Page 62 of His Demands

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I shake my head, unable to accept her forgiveness so easily. "No, it's not okay. I should have protected you better. I..."

She squeezes my hands, her eyes shining with unshed tears, a mix of joy and relief. "Ivan, I need to tell you something."

My heart beats faster, a mixture of anticipation and concern. "What is it? Is everything okay?"

Her smile returns, brighter than before, as if a weight has been lifted off her shoulders. "It's more than okay. When they did the ultrasound to check the baby’s heartbeat, they found something. Two somethings actually.”

I stare at her, dumbfounded for a minute, causing her to laugh. “Two heartbeats. We’re having twins.”

The revelation hits me with the force of a thunderbolt, joy and astonishment flooding through me. Twins. Two little lives growing inside her, a doubling of the miracle we'd already been blessed with.

I lean in closer, my heart swelling with a love and excitement I've never known before. "Twins... Julie, that's incredible." I'm at a loss for words, the news rendering me speechless with happiness.

She nods, her tears now flowing freely, mirroring my own. "Yes, twins. Our family is growing, Ivan. We're going to have two beautiful babies."

In that moment, with the revelation that we’re having twins hanging in the air between us, I realize just how much my life has changed, how much she has changed me. From a solitary existence to a life bursting with love and the promise of new beginnings; Julie, my wife, my love, and now the mother of our twins.

What more could a man want?

Epilogue I


Almost seven months later…

Sitting across from Barb at a cozy lunch spot, I can't help but chuckle at her exaggerated eye roll. "I told you, Julie, stop reading those articles. They're just going to freak you out more," she says, sipping her tea.

I rest a hand on my significantly rounded belly, feeling a little kick from one of the twins. "I know, I know," I reply, trying to find a comfortable position in my chair for the hundredth time. "But it's hard not to worry. Especially with two of them in there."

Barb shakes her head, smiling. "You're doing great, sweetie. You've only got three weeks left. You're almost at the finish line."

I nod, taking a bite of my salad. "It's just... everything feels so real now. It's not just me anymore; it's these two little lives as well." I pause, feeling another kick, stronger this time. "They're quite the soccer players already."

Barb laughs, her eyes twinkling with affection. "They're going to keep you on your toes, that's for sure."

Barb's expression turns more serious and the conversation shifts. "How have you been doing, really? I know it’s been a while, but still. That was serious trauma you went through."

I meet her gaze, appreciating her concern. "Honestly, I'm okay. It was terrifying, and there were moments I wasn't sure I'd make it out. But I did. And I think it's made me stronger." I pause, my hand instinctively moving to my belly again. "I had to be strong, for them."

Barb reaches across the table, covering my hand with hers. "You're one of the toughest people I know. I'm just glad you're safe, and these little ones, too."

Barb smiles but a concerned expression still shadows her face. "And your father? Please tell me he’s staying away from you.”

I pause for a moment, the memory of my father’s betrayal still raw. "He’s recovered from the gunshot wound, as far as I know," I say, trying to keep my tone neutral. "But thankfully, he hasn't tried to contact me since. I hope he finally gets it that he needs to stay out of my life for good, that he cannot be a part of it.

Barb reaches across the table again, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze. "I'm glad he's leaving you alone. You don't need that kind of drama in your life, especially with two little ones on the way."

I smile, feeling a warmth spread through me. It’s not just the pregnancy glow; it's the love and support I’ve received from the people closest to me, especially Barb. She's been a rock through all the ups and downs.

"I couldn't have done it without you, Aunt Barb. You've been there for me through everything. I don't know what I'd do without you," I say, my voice thick with emotion.

Barb gives my hand another gentle squeeze. "You're family, Julie. And family sticks together, no matter what. Now, let's talk about something happier. Have you and Ivan decided on names yet?"

I laugh, glad for the change in topic. "Oh, you know Ivan. He's got a list of names a mile long. I think we're down to the final ten though."

Barb raises an eyebrow. "Only ten? You're going to have to start making some decisions soon, mama."

I nod, my heart full of excitement and love for the lives growing inside me, and the future that awaits us. "We will. This is going to be one hell of an adventure."
