Page 64 of His Demands

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I'm about to protest but my words are cut off as the elevator doors slide open, revealing the rooftop. My eyes widen in shock and disbelief. There, right in front of us, is a private helicopter, its blades slowly spinning, ready for takeoff.

Ivan helps me out of the elevator, a proud smile playing on his lips. "I've had this helicopter on standby for the past couple of weeks, just in case," he explains, his voice filled with eagerness.

I can't help but laugh, a sound that's half disbelief, half sheer joy. "You're insane," I say, still giggling. "This is so incredibly over the top."

He grins back at me as he helps me into the helicopter. "Maybe so, but I want the best for you and our babies. Plus, I couldn't resist making a grand entrance to parenthood."

The pilot greets us warmly, and within moments, we're strapped in and lifting into the sky. The city spreads out below us, a vast tapestry of buildings and streets, shrinking as we rise higher and higher.

Looking out the window, I'm struck by the beauty of the city from this vantage point. It's a view I've never seen before, and it takes my breath away. The contractions are coming stronger now, but the excitement of the moment makes them more bearable.

Ivan takes my hand, squeezing it gently. "You're doing great," he says as I concentrate on my breathing, his voice reassuring. "We'll be at the hospital in no time."

I turn to him, my heart swelling with love. "This is so crazy. You and your surprises," I say, my voice soft with affection.

He leans over and kisses me, a gentle, loving kiss that speaks volumes. "I'll always do whatever it takes for you and our children," he whispers against my lips. "You're my world, Julie."

As we fly over the city, heading toward the hospital, I lean back in my seat. Oddly, I am feeling a sense of peace and contentment, despite the fact that I am in labor about to give birth to twins. Ivan's love and dedication are evident in every action he takes, every word he speaks. I know, without a doubt, that he'll be an incredible father, just as he's been an incredible husband.

Epilogue II


Two years later…

In the sanctum of my home office, I'm immersed in the intricacies of my latest business project. The grandeur of our new mansion, located just outside the city, offers a peaceful retreat from the bustling energy of Manhattan. It's a spacious, luxurious haven where we can unwind and enjoy family time.

My concentration on the spreadsheet in front of me falters as the delightful sound of tiny feet pattering against the hardwood floors drifts into the room. The giggles and squeals of our twin girls, now two years old, fill the house with a lively energy that's impossible to ignore.

I lean back in my chair, allowing myself a moment to bask in the joyful commotion that has become our life. The sound of Julie's voice, a mix of laughter and gentle admonishments, echoes through the halls as she chases after our little ones. Her attempts to wrangle the twins into some semblance of order are met with playful resistance, their tiny voices bubbling with laughter and mischief.

I can't help but smile, a deep feeling of contentment washing over me. These moments, these simple pleasures of family life, are what I cherish the most. The sound of their laughter and the warmth of their presence is such a stark contrast to the solitude and cold apathy that once defined my life.

Pushing away from my desk, I decide that work can wait. These moments are fleeting, and I don't want to miss a single one. I step out of my office and into the hallway, following the sounds of giggles and play.

As I round the corner, I see them. Julie, her hair a little disheveled, has a look of mock exasperation on her face, our daughters in tow. The girls are a whirlwind of energy, their bright eyes sparkling with delight as they spot me.

"Daddy!" they both squeal in unison, their tiny arms outstretched as they run toward me. I scoop them up, one in each arm, their laughter infectious.

Julie walks over, her eyes shining with love and a touch of fatigue. "Your turn," she says with a playful smirk. "I’m starting to think they have more energy than both of us combined."

I kiss her forehead, a gesture of affection and gratitude. "I wouldn't have it any other way," I say, the girls giggling as they cling to me.

As we head toward the living room, our steps light and carefree, I reflect on how much my life has changed. The man who once lived only for business and power now finds his greatest joy in the laughter of his children and in the love of his wife.

Our family, our home, it's a world I never imagined myself in, a world that's more fulfilling than any business deal or corporate success. In the eyes of my daughters and the smile of my wife, I've found a happiness that's profound and real.

We settle into the living room, the girls showing off their latest drawings, their voices a melody of excitement and pride. Julie and I exchange a look, a silent understanding of the beautiful life we've built together.

As the sun begins its descent, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, I glance at Julie, her eyes weary yet filled with the unmistakable glow of motherhood. "You've done enough for today," I say with a smile, my voice laced with affection. Leaning in, I plant a gentle kiss on her forehead, a silent token of my appreciation and love.

Hoisting our twin girls higher into my arms, their giggles and wiggles a lively symphony, I head toward the staircase. Elizabeth clings to my neck, her laughter a melody that fills the hall, while Ana playfully tugs at my hair, her mischievous grin infectious. As we ascend the stairs, their excitement is palpable, their energy boundless.

The bath time ritual is nothing short of an adventure. Splashes and bubbles fill the air as I gently bathe each of them. Elizabeth, ever the imaginative one, conjures up tales of mermaids and underwater castles, her tiny hands mimicking the waves. Ana, with her boundless energy, splashes with gusto, her laughter ringing through the bathroom.

By the time they're both clean, dried, and snug in their pajamas, I find myself thoroughly soaked, my shirt clinging to my skin. But the sight of their rosy cheeks and eyes bright full of love and trust, makes every drop of water worth it. I can't help but laugh along with them, their joy infectious, their spirits unbridled.

As I carry them to their room, my thoughts drift to the journey that brought me here. Fatherhood was a role I never anticipated, a chapter in my life I hadn't dared to imagine. It was something I wanted but never expected. But now, holding my daughters close, feeling their warmth against me, I realize how much they've transformed me.
