Page 27 of The Law of Deceit

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Also, he’s not a man.

He’s a kid.

Jamie’s kid.

It’d do you some good to remember that, girl!

Leaning back on his elbows on the mattress, he continues to stare at me. I don’t understand how he can show up here, wake me up, and then have the audacity to eye fuck me.

Heat floods south.

Is that what he’s doing?

Eye fucking me?

“Trevor’s fine, I guess. A little bitch, but fine.”

Relief has air swooshing out of my lungs. I approach Dempsey, needing the information about Trevor more than my next breath. Dempsey’s jaw muscle ticks when I get closer.

“Explain,” I demand. “What happened?”

“Nothing,” he says with a grunt. “Thought I’d go hang with my buddy, Omar, and see if I could get the skinny on what Trevor’s up to. I had a run-in with him.”

“At the lodge?” I clarify.


“What was he doing? Stop making me beg for answers.”

Dempsey’s expression darkens and it sends a shiver down my spine. “You never have to beg with me.”


So we are getting way off track here.


I kick at his boot with my bare foot. “Out with it. Now.”

His grin is wolfish. “Do the detectives ever let you in to interrogate the bad guys?”


“Yeah, yeah.” He snorts out a laugh. “So I went outside to have a smoke—”

“You shouldn’t be smoking,” I hiss. “Does your mother know?”

“I thought you wanted answers, Officer Do-Good.”

I wave him on to continue.

“And your nephew and his friends show up. At first, they were cool and shit, but then he asked if I wanted to get high. Of course I agreed. I thought he meant weed, but no, his dumbass friend, Charlie, legit tosses a bag of dirty meth at me.”

The cop in me wants to arrest everyone, including Dempsey. “You didn’t…”

His lip curls up. “No. I’m not into that shit.”

“So what happened?”
