Page 23 of A Bear's Protection

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“Cars aren’t really made for shifters,” Hunter apologized to Cora. “Someone’s always gotta sit in the backseat.”

“Where are we going?” she asked.

Hunter could smell her nervousness, her excitement, and underneath it all, just the faintest hint of arousal. He looked in the rearview mirror, into Ash’s reflected eyes, and realized that his mate could smell it too.

He imagined tilting back her passenger seat, pushing up her skirt and taking her, right there, maybe as Ash kissed her, pinching her nipples as she moaned...

He blinked and brought himself back to reality, fighting down his erection.

“A bonfire,” he said.

Her eyebrows went up.

“It’s pretty rural out here,” he said. “So we make our own fun. You can meet half the town this way, easy.”

“You could talk while you drive,” Ash suggested from the back seat.

Hunter put the SUV into gear and pulled out, onto the highway.

“He’s grumpy that I asked you out while he was working,” Hunter told Cora, flicking his gaze to the backseat.

Ash glared at him.

“Why?” Cora asked. She peered between the two front seats at Ash, a sparkle in her eyes and a grin on her face.

“He’s a stickler for the rules,” Hunter said.

“It’s a conflict of interest to ask out someone I’m tasked with protecting and serving,” Ash protested.

Hunter raised his eyebrows at Cora, like they were sharing a joke.

She turned to the back seat again and winked at Ash.

“Lighten up,” she said. “I promise not to tell anyone your mate hit on me while you were at work.”

Ash’s face softened.

“I know,” he said. “It’s just how I am.”

Cora patted his knee.

I think she could really be good for us, thought Hunter. He turned off the main highway and onto a two-lane mountain road that started winding upward.

He allowed himself one more glance sideways, her skirt and tank top not hiding her curves even a little. The birthmark on her neck in full, delicious view.

Really good, he thought.
