Page 38 of A Bear's Nemesis

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An image flashed in front of his mind’s eye: Quinn, on her back on the blanket, moaning as he buried himself inside her, her face flushed with pleasure.

Now her hand had made its way up past his eyebrow ridge, and she’d gotten braver, putting the whole flat of her palm on him, then pushing her fingers through his fur, over his ears, onto his cheeks.

Julius let out the slightest of appreciative growls and nuzzled her hand. For a moment, she froze, and then she smiled.

“You have softer fur than I thought you would,” she said. “It’s the same color as your hair.”

“It usually is,” said Hudson, who’d come up behind her. He reached out and scratched Julius’s ears, almost like the bear was an enormous dog.

Quinn looked over at Hudson, watching him just mess with Julius’s enormous, shaggy head like petting a grizzly was no big deal.

“So you’re sort of... light brown?” she asked.

Hudson grinned.

“Want to see?”

“Sure,” she said, her fingers finding a spot under Julius’s chin.

In a flash, Hudson was disrobing. Even as a bear, Julius thought he could see a flash of desire in Quinn’s eyes. Unlike when he’d shifted, she didn’t look away. This time she wasn’t afraid.

Good,he thought. My mate can’t be afraid.

Then there was an explosion of fur and Quinn gasped again. Hudson, in bear form, stood next to him. This time, Quinn touched him without hesitation, running her fingers through his surprisingly soft fur.

Hudson gave her arm a quick lick, and Quinn just laughed.

“This is the strangest thing,” she said. “You’re bears.”

Julius grunted again, then took a step toward Hudson and head-butted him.

Hudson swatted back playfully. Quinn took a step back, and moments later, the two bears were wrestling in the clearing, rolling over and over, swiping and biting.

“Oh!” exclaimed Quinn as Hudson fastened his teeth around the thick skin on Julius’s neck. “Oh, don’t hurt him.”

Julius snorted and shrugged Hudson off. His teeth hadn’t penetrated at all, and Julius retaliated with a claws-out swat. Hudson rolled off, going half into the clear, cold stream, and Julius splashed in after. The cold mattered significantly less when he was a bear.

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