Page 44 of A Bear's Nemesis

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Hudson could tell she was far more impressed than afraid. Most people thought Easy Rider before they thought of a bunch of drug-addled, angry men who were doing the only thing they really knew how to do — break the law.

“We ran guns and drugs,” he said. He saw Gino’s up ahead, its neon sign inviting. “Guns from Mexico, drugs from there and from the Inland Empire. Meth, mostly, some other stuff.”

He turned into the parking lot, cut the engine, and turned to look at her.

“I learned how to fire all sort of guns, fix bikes so they ran like new, and in a pinch, I think I could cook meth. So at least I got one usable skill.”

She frowned slightly.

“Fixing bikes,” he said with a smile. “Come on, I’m starving.”

* * *

Over endless meatballs,Quinn ended up telling them all about her brother George. How he’d fought with her parents, how they’d totally cut him off. How she’d finally called him earlier that week.

“How can people just cut off their families like that?” Julius said, stabbing at a meatball. “I mean, your own child. Just because they disagree with you.”

Quinn shook her head, swirling pasta around her fork. She was almost full, but the guys had been right. This place was delicious.

“I don’t know,” she said. “They’re very dogmatic.” She paused. “They’ll flip when they find out I’m with you.”

Despite himself, Hudson smiled, then covered it up by eating another meatball. A look of consternation crossed Quinn’s face, like she hadn’t quite meant to say that. After all, they hadn’t talked yet about what this was.

“You know, you can stay with us if you want,” he offered. “If you think your parents or their people might do something to you before tomorrow.”

“We’ve got a guest bedroom,” Julius said.

And a bed that can fit three, thought Hudson. He didn’t say it out loud, though.

Quinn shook her head slowly.

“I know they’re awful,” she said. “But I want to see them one last time before... it happens. Especially because they’re probably going away for a while. Hopefully.”

Both men just nodded.

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