Page 47 of A Bear's Nemesis

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Chapter Thirteen


“Fuck!”shouted Hudson as the car flew forward, yanking his hand along with it. “What the fuck is she doing?”

It seemed to happen in slow motion. Quinn steered the car right at the shooter, and Julius could hear her screaming as she went.

Both of them took off after her.

No, thought Julius. No, no, not Quinn, please not Quinn...

There was one more shot, the sound of glass, and then the SUV hit the wall of the motel, pinning Vince.

“QUINN!” Julius screamed, yanking open the door of the SUV. His screams mingled with Vince’s, but Julius couldn’t have cared less about the man.

Her face was bloody, her nose broken, the airbag fully deployed.

But she was breathing.

The windshield had a single hole in it, and Julius could see where the bullet had punched through the seat.

On the other side of the car, Hudson had picked up Vince’s gun, checking the ammo and backing himself against the SUV, just in case.

Quinn’s steady heartbeat under his fingertips, Julius felt awful for Hudson for a moment. When he’d gotten out of the Lost Souls, he’d thought he’d never be shot at again.

Motel doors started opening and confused, sleepy people spilled out, murmuring to each other. Someone said they’d called the cops, but most took one look at Hudson and backed away.

“He had the gun,” Julius said, desperately, pointing at the pale, bloody Vince. He was still breathing in ragged gasps.

Then, two faces came around the corner of the building, took one look at the small, unconscious form inside the car, and began screaming and running.

“Quinn!” her mother shouted, galloping forward in her nightgown, Quinn’s father close on her heels.

“Oh, my god, what have you done to her?” she shrieked, her voice pure panic. “No, no, my baby...”

She shoved Julius away from Quinn with a surprising strength and tried to take her daughter in her arms.

“What did you do?” she shouted hysterically.

Julius couldn’t take it any more.

“What did we do?” he asked, furious. He pointed at Vince, bloody and still pinned in front of the car. “He tried to shoot me, and your daughter saved my life.”

She wasn’t paying attention, just standing on the running board, cradling Quinn’s head in her arms and crying.

“My baby,” she said, over and over. “My baby, my baby...”

Her father went up to Julius and shoved him in the chest, and Julius put his hands up in the air. He wanted absolutely nothing more than to beat this man to a pulp, or better yet, shift and tear him into a thousand pieces, but he forced himself to stay calm.

Let the law do its job, he thought.

Arthur Taylor shoved him again.

“You think you can use young girls to do your dirty work, you animal?”

Julius growled.

Then, just in time, two police cars came speeding around the corner and came to a full stop. Seconds later, an ambulance arrived.
