Page 49 of A Bear's Nemesis

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He’d tried to kill Julius, though, so he didn’t feel that bad. And even if he woke up, it wasn’t like he was going to admit to trying to murder the two of them.

“Just between the two of us, there are a couple other witnesses,” Rick said, leaning over the table and speaking quietly. “Gunshots have a way of getting people to peek out of their blinds. Nobody saw the whole thing, but plenty of people saw the second and third shots before Quinn got into that car.”

Cautiously, Julius let himself feel relieved. That meant that Hudson, at least, would be cleared fairly quickly.

They could still press charges against Quinn, but Julius had his doubts. It was a pretty clear self-defense case, and besides, he knew an excellent lawyer.

“What about the Taylors?” he asked.

Rick exhaled, his cheeks puffing out slightly.

“We can only hold them for another day or so without charging them with something,” he said. “Right now, we’ve got nothing besides the fact that Vince was in their organization, but they’re claiming he acted alone. So someone who knows something either needs to step forward or wake up.”

I guess I hope Vince survives, thought Julius.

“Thanks,” he told Rick, and the two of them walked into the police station’s lobby to wait for Hudson.
