Page 25 of A Bear's Mercy

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“That my strongest instinct is to run away from my problems. Usually by turning into a bear.”

He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. Electricity charged through his veins.

I wish Kade were here to share this, he thought. But I don’t think it would work if he were here. She’s still afraid of him.

Charlie’s eyes were wide, her mouth open, her breathing fast. She still sat perfectly upright in her bandages, like she was trying not to move.

Daniel had absolutely no idea what he was doing, alone in his cabin with this girl. His only real experience was with Kade, and that had been completely different.

When Kade had saved him, the moment Daniel had shifted back to human, he’d pushed Kade to the ground and they’d half-fought, wrapped in each other’s naked limbs, until it was perfectly clear what was happening.

They’d mated before Daniel even knew Kade’s name. It had been that primal.

Charlie was human, though. She was human and female and had been half-dead only a few days ago, so she probably needed a different approach.

“Can I kiss your hand again?” he asked, his lips hovering over her.

She nodded.

His lips touched the cool back of her hand, the sensation jolting through him. He felt shades of him and Kade naked in the forest, all those years ago.

Daniel flipped her hand over, her palm below his lips.

“Can I kiss your palm?” he asked.

She nodded again.

Her palm was warmer, and he thought he heard her inhale sharply.

“Your wrist?”

“Yes,” she whispered. Daniel could feel her pulse beneath his lips, the strong thump-thump of her heart.

He looked at her and raised his eyebrows, standing from his seat and leaning over the table. Charlie nodded again, and Daniel let his lips travel up her forearm, the inside of her elbow.

Then, suddenly, he found his face in front of hers, only inches away. He planted one hand on the table and she sat, perfectly rigid, unable to bend or move for fear of hurting her back again.

“You can say no,” he whispered.

“Kiss me,” Charlie murmured.
