Page 36 of A Bear's Mercy

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“The alpha?”

Daniel shook his head. “He’s one of the betas,” he said. “He’s in charge of that pack, but he still answers to the East Cascadia alpha.”

“Wolves are very hierarchical and regimented,” Kade said, making a face. He obviously didn’t approve. “There’s a lot of groupthink and following orders without asking questions.”

For a moment, Charlie wanted to point out that he’d joined the army — the pinnacle of following orders without asking questions — voluntarily, but she didn’t say it out loud. Not the time or the place.

“So, the plan is for us to bust our way in there, you two fight off ten to twenty wolves, and then we tear the place apart looking for Olivia?” she asked.

Kade nodded.

“Sounds about right,” he said. He cracked his knuckles again, this time the ones on his other hand. “Give me a good night’s rest and I can kill any of those dogs who come between me and my sister,” he said.

Daniel also nodded, his jaw tight. “It’ll be a fight, but nothing we’re not up to,” he said.

Charlie looked at the map, thinking.

Their plan was naive at best and straight-up dumb at worst, she thought. Running through the gates of a ranch and just attacking everyone they saw until they found Olivia? It wasn’t going to work, it would probably kill at least a few of the wolves, and it might very well get Kade and Daniel killed.

They admitted themselves that they had no idea how many wolves were on the ranch. For all they knew, given the recent territory disputes, there were fifty wolves there.

Charlie licked her lips and thought fast. They weren’t going to like what she was about to suggest, but it was a much, much better plan that what they’d come up with.

“What if I went in alone?” she asked.

Daniel and Kade just stared at her.

“Fuck no,” Kade said.

“Are you insane?” Daniel asked, his voice rising in volume just a little. “You’ll last five seconds.”

Charlie raised both her hands in a stop talking gesture.

“I’m going in as a trade,” she said.

“We’re not trading you,” Kade said as though it were the final word.

“I’m not your object for trading, first of all,” Charlie snapped. “Just because you could both tear me apart in five seconds doesn’t mean you can toss me around and control where I go and what I do.”

Kade opened his mouth, looking furious.

Then he closed it.

“You go in as a trade, find Olivia, and then we come out and massacre the wolves?” Kade asked. He still sounded angry.

Charlie shook her head again.

“This plan doesn’t involve anyone else dying,” she said.

“So how do you get out?” Daniel asked.

She started picking at her cuticles again. This was the part she wasn’t quite certain about. The part that she wasn’t sure that she wanted to happen, but she didn’t see how else she was supposed to get out of the ranch.

“Remember how I had that pack when they attacked me in the woods?” she asked them.

“You mean when you were going to shoot me?” Kade asked.

Charlie blushed.
