Page 39 of A Bear's Mercy

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Take it slow, she reminded herself. Don’t just leap without looking. That never works out.

“I promise I’ll come back sometime,” she said.

Kade reached his hand out and touched her cheek, moving a strand of hair away from her face. Charlie knew that, for days, she’d only had quick sponge baths, and her hair was a greasy mess.

“Can I at least have a good bye kiss?” Kade asked. He either didn’t notice or didn’t care that her hair was disgusting.

We’re not going until tomorrow, Charlie thought, but she didn’t say it out loud.

Instead, she nodded, and her heart hammered inside her chest.

This is probably stupid, she thought. Didn’t you decide to only date men who acted like adults?

Then Kade bent down and kissed her, his hand moving to grip the side of her face gently, and Charlie stopped worrying about what she’d decided in the past.

Kade’s kiss was much, much gentler than Charlie had imagined, almost as if he was afraid of breaking her. At first, their lips barely touched, until Charlie rose up on her tiptoes, wrapped her hand around his head — her back protesting — and pulled him firmly toward herself.

Right away, Kade’s lips parted and his tongue darted through, entering Charlie’s mouth, and she met it with her own, sparring as the sudden heat in her body traveled from her navel downward.

She’d thought that Kade didn’t like her, true, but she’d thought that he was super-hot all along.

Finally, her libido thought.

As soon as Kade came up for air, Daniel was still right behind her, his face nuzzling hers, and he bent over her shoulder and she turned her head, kissing him a little awkwardly.

I wish I could move my back,she thought, but every time she tried, it screamed in protest.

As if he understood, Daniel’s lips moved away from Charlie’s to a spot just under her ear that made a shudder run down her spine. She turned her head toward Kade again, seeking him out, making a little gasp of pleasure as Daniel’s mouth moved down her neck, slow and tantalizing.

Kade chuckled before covering her mouth with his own, kissing her harder this time, his need becoming apparent. Without touching her bandaged back, he took her by the hips and held himself against her, just hard enough for Charlie to feel the clear outline of his erection through the jeans he was wearing.

He’d also never put a shirt back on after his altercation with Buck.

Charlie didn’t mind.

In for a penny, in for a pound, she thought, and she put her own hands tentatively on the sides of Kade’s torso. His muscles rippled under his skin, and Charlie could feel the pure strength in them, just waiting.

She bit Kade’s bottom lip, and he grunted and pulled back as she felt the soft flesh between her teeth.

He grinned.

“You play dirty,” he said. His chest heaved, and Charlie couldn’t help but watch the light play off the muscles on it.

Charlie just shrugged, though she couldn’t help but let a smile surface on her face.

“You’re the one who parades around naked half the time,” she said.

“I’ve been wearing clothes,” he said, looking down at himself. “Mostly.”

“You’re not even the feral one,” Daniel said from behind her. “No excuse, really.”

Now his lips were on her shoulder, slowly pushing aside the open neck of the bathrobe she still wore. His fingers slipped underneath, whispering along her skin.

“Are you saying you mind?” Kade asked. He still had that grin on his face, and it could have been annoying, but Charlie was too hot and bothered to find it anything but charming and infectious.

She let her eyes really drink Kade’s body in. He obviously didn’t care that she wasn’t model-skinny, that her hair was dirty, or that her back was torn up and she’d been wearing the same bathrobe since she woke up days ago.

“No,” she said at last, making eye contact. “I guess not.”
