Page 43 of A Bear's Mercy

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Chapter Eleven


Daniel woke up with a jerk.He was on his bed, lying between Kade and Charlie, both completely sound asleep.

Despite himself, he grinned, and then got out of the bed as quietly as he could.

This always happened to him: he fell asleep immediately after sex, then woke up half an hour later, wide awake. He knew from long experience that it would be a while before he could sleep again, so he padded around the cabin naked, picking up the clothes that they’d left scattered all over and double-checking that the doors and windows were all locked.

As he washed a plate, he heard a sound behind him and Kade appeared, naked and scratching his belly. His short hair was tousled, and he yawned as he padded into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water, leaning against the counter to drink it.

He sat the glass on the counter and looked at it for a moment, then spoke.

“We can’t let her do this,” he said.

“Go to the wolves?”

“Right.” Kade paused, looking out the window. “She’s asleep,” he went on. “I say we go over there right now and rip some wolf throats out, free Olivia, and we’ll be back before Charlie’s even awake.”

Daniel leaned forward and kissed Kade on the lips, his hand brushing against the other man’s side.

“You never did like it when someone had a better idea than you,” he said.

“I’m serious,” Kade said, crossing his arms over his chest.

Daniel dried his hands, then grabbed the water glass Kade had used and refilled it, drinking it down himself.

“Her way is better and you know it,” he said.

Kade’s jaw flexed, and he started to growl.

“I’d rather do it our way too,” Daniel said. He put the glass in the sink and locked eyes with Kade. “And if something goes wrong, I’ll do it. But after that, we’ll be on the hook for murdering wolves.”

Kade broke eye contact and looked away.

“You know what happens to shifters who get convicted of murder. That’s why you want to find Olivia so bad.”

Kade was still frowning hard, and Daniel could see the wheels turning in his head.

“I don’t like it,” Kade said.

“I don’t want her to leave either,” Daniel admitted. “But this is bigger than us. It’s more complicated.”

“Fine,” Kade muttered.

* * *

They let Charlie sleep.She woke up once, around ten that night, to brush her teeth, and then got back into the middle of their huge bed. Kade and Daniel tucked themselves around her, careful not to touch her back, and then went to sleep themselves.

Daniel didn’t sleep well. He wasn’t anxious by nature, but the thought that he’d only just gotten Charlie, only to lose her right away nagged at him.

Isn’t there some other way?He thought. It wasn’t that he didn’t think she could take of herself. That, he was totally and utterly sure of.

No, it was the part where the FBI was going to take her home. Once she was gone, why on earth would she want to come back? They were just some former fuckup and his grumpy, surly mate, nothing spectacular. Nothing to write home about, and the city offered her so much more than their lonely cabin in the woods.

In short, Daniel was nearly certain that she wasn’t coming back.

Deal with it, he thought as the dawn broke through the windows, shining pink light into their bedroom. At the end of it, she’ll be alive and happy somewhere, and that’s what matters.
