Page 14 of Wolf's Mate

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“But it really doesn’t matter because I’ve agreed to go. I’ll deal with whatever happens.”

Keir hadn’t expected her to brush off the potential side effects of portal sickness, but she proved once gain why she was perfect for him.

Then ten minutes into the drive, Rhia asked him the question he’d hope she’d forgotten.

“So, can we finally talk about the tablet your father wants us to find?”

He rubbed a hand over his jaw. “You just don’t give up, do you? Okay, how about I give you the major bullet points? The whole story is complicated and to bring you up to date will take longer than this drive. I promise I’m not dodging.” Keir tapped the display screen mounted on the dashboard, checking the ever-changing weather, and running a program Mac had created to alert them to non-human presence, plus any low-flying aircraft or drones that may hinder their journey.

He watched as Rhia crossed her arms, or rather tried to. The oversized jacket restricted her movements, so she finally gave up, releasing a huff of frustration.

“Fine. I’d just like to know what else I’m in for besides the binding ceremony, getting knocked-up, meeting your brothers, a sister-in-law who’s also a witch, plus Athena the world’s scariest mother-in-law and let’s not forget your father who may or may not be gaslighting all of you. Sure, I’ll wait.”

Shaking with laughter, Keir slowed the truck. “There’s never going to be a dull moment with you. Is there my love?”

Rhia’s gasp filled the cab of the truck. “Wha-what? What did you just say?” Eyes wide, his mate’s mouth hung open.

Damn, his timing could have been better. Clearing his throat, he said, “We may be fated, the prophecy tying us together, but I wasn’t prepared for the intensity of my feelings. And you don’t have to say it back. In fact, if you never do, it won’t matter. Deep in my soul, I know in every way that matters, you’ve shown you trust me, desire me and care for me. I’ll take it. Every day of the week, I’ll take what you’ve already given me over never finding you at all.”

“Stop the truck!” Rhia shouted as she struggled to unbuckle her seat belt.

Keir eased the vehicle to the side of the road, searching the mirrors for what spooked his mate. He picked up no sounds or movement outside and then his lap was filled with a shaking Rhia, who grabbed either side of his head, pressing her lips against his.

The kiss filled every doubt he’d still been carrying. Although they were fated, they could very well end up like his parents. He didn’t want only incredible passion and children; he wanted a mate who liked him. And if his brothers ever discovered he’d secretly been wishing for a fairy tale ending with his mate, he’d deny it, but he wanted to be loved.

When air became very necessary, they reluctantly parted. Rhia had tears streaming down her face, but she was also smiling. Beaming, in fact.

“I’m so sorry, Keir. If I believed ten years ago that any of this was possible, I would have never run from you. I was scared. Scared of what fated mates would mean beyond not having a choice in who I loved. I know we can’t get back all those years, but I promise the years we now spend together will be filled with love, not just duty or living out the destiny designed for us. I do choose you, and I love you too.”

Keir captured his mate’s lips, wishing he’d chosen a better time or place for this moment. But it didn’t matter. He not only heard the truth in her words, but he felt it. “I would have waited ten more years, sweetheart. I’m just sorry we can’t properly celebrate.” He wiggled his eyebrows, then gave her a hard, quick kiss.

“Now, buckle up, sweetheart. The sooner we get through the portal and go through the ceremony, the sooner I can take you back to bed.”


They’d spent the rest of the drive discussing things most couples shared on normal dates. But he wouldn’t have had it any differently. And the hike seemed to take no time at all. Even his wolf’s constant urging to go faster couldn’t dampen his good mood.

“Keir, is that the aurora borealis? Oh, my, I’ve never seen anything so magical and that’s saying a lot, I know, but can we just stand here for a moment and take it in?”

He scanned the landscape. They were close enough to the turnoff that would take them to the cave entrance a short delay shouldn’t matter. Besides, how could he turn her down after seeing the look of joy on her face? “Just a few minutes. I don’t want us stationary for too long.”

He’d seen the spectacular northern lights so often he paid them little attention, but now it was as if he was seeing them for the first time through her eyes. The enthusiasm she was emanating via their psychic link relaxed him.

“It’s so beautiful. The colors are so vivid. And the green kind of matches the color of your eyes. If I lived here, I’d never get anything done. My head would be permanently looking toward the sky after sunset.”

“You do live here now.” Keir’s gaze moved from her lit up features to the mountain peak where her attention had been locked. “Not all displays are like this. Tonight’s has lasted longer than in recent memory. But I have a feeling that doesn’t really matter to you, does it, sweetheart?” He paused, waiting for her response, but when a loud scraping followed by a muffled shout drifted to him from where she stood less than five feet away, his wolf sent out a distressed whine.


Two dark forms stood on either side of his mate, their faces covered in neoprene masks. The unmistakable red glow of their eyes marked them. How? His wolf growled, begging to be let free.

“Keir!” The terror in Rhia’s voice gutted him as one of the demons removed his hand from her mouth, shaking it then lifting it back up, ready to strike her.

“LET. HER GO!” He growled, a sound that would have made a human piss their pants.

The demon paused, then let out an unholy laugh before he lowered his arm.

“Try that again, and your sulfur reeking ass will have a large chunk missing.” His wolf growled in agreement.
