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“I knew you had to be part of the family. There have been rumors circulating, which is the only reason I was digging in the first place,” I go on to tell her.

She furrows her brows. “Rumors? What kind of rumors?”

“Believe it or not, about their being a secret child.”

Xava begins giggling, and it’s the lightest, most carefree laugh. “That is about the funniest thing I’ve ever heard of.”

“You’d be surprised. If it were true, it wouldn’t be the first secret child I’ve ever heard about. People in families like the Umarovas usually always have a backup plan.”

“A backup plan?” Xava furrows her brows and sips on her champagne.

“Yeah, in case something happens to the other children. At least then there would be one left to carry on the family name, the blood, the power.”

“You’re acting like the Umarovas are the most powerful family in the world.”

“Depending on who you are, they might be.”

“I don’t think they’re that big of a deal.” The way Xava says it is like she doesn’t realize just how powerful her family really is. She is a cousin, of course, so maybe she doesn’t know exactly what they do. She might think they just have old power from being in Chechnya since the area was practically created.

“Yeah, you’re probably right.” I agree with her just because I’m trying to get under that beautiful dress of hers tonight.

“Yeah, so what do you do, Ambros?”

I take a sip of my drink and smirk. “I’m a translator. I usually work remotely from my computer, but I do travel around the world for work as well.”

“That must be exciting. I’m going to put my money on you being Greek.”

“Was it that easy to tell with my charming good looks and god-given bronze skin?” I joke, and Xava snickers.

“Something like that.” The more I spend time with Xava, the more I realize that she has a natural sort of beauty. She’s barely wearing any makeup, and while I noticed it before, up close, I can really see just how gorgeous she is. There isn’t one bit of plastic surgery on her whatsoever. I don’t see any traces of a facelift, lip fillers, or even implants. So many women across Europe have been hopping on the plastic surgery trend as of late, but I can’t stand it.

Xava has thick well-rounded brows, a perfectly sculpted button nose, and thick natural lips. Her cheekbones are high and well-formed, and I like how she has a little bit of plumpness to her cheeks. She doesn’t look too thin or like she’s starving herself.

Xava’s eyes dart over to the left. She’s looking past me and gives a nod. A nod that I can’t help but notice. I’m doing the one thing she probably is going to get annoyed with. I look over my shoulder and see Ruslan Umarova boring holes into the back of my head. He narrows his eyes as he looks at me and then returns his attention back to Xava. “Ruslan seems to be overprotective of you.”

“He is. He’s very overprotective, as is the rest of my family.” For the first time, I hear the fierceness of the Umarova line coming through her voice. She might act like she doesn’t know about the power her family holds, but deep down, she does. Maybe she just hasn’t accepted it yet.

“Of course, he is.” Ruslan has every right to be. He knows how dangerous this life can be, and I have this funny feeling that Xava has been lucky enough to never experience such a thing.

Chapter Four


I don’t know what in the actual hell is going on, but for the first time in my life, a man is actually choosing me over other people. I don’t know if it’s because I’m no longer in the Czech Republic or what. I’ve been getting a little more attention in Grozny, but no man has actually come up to me and flirted like Ambros is. Maybe it’s because Rolando is usually always around me. Most men might think Rolando is my significant other, but in actuality, he’s my security detail.

I spend a lot of time with Ambros throughout the night, recalling that I saw him when the wedding ceremony was going on. I wasn’t sure he was staring at me, but since his eyes were also glued to me while I was rubbing my arms from the cold chill, I had my confirmation.

Yara has been off chatting up some fancy-looking guy with sandy blond hair. Every once in a while, she checks in, but we’re giving each other some distance right now. “I’m going to get another drink. Want me to get you one as well?” Ambros asks.

“Yes, please.” I could really use another drink. Alcohol helps me relax a lot. Without it, I think I can be too tense and take life far too seriously.

Ambros gives me a soft nod and heads toward the bar. While he’s walking away, I glance across the seating area and notice Yara is taking this as her opportunity to come over and chat with me about things.

“How is your night going with that hunk?” Yara fans herself playfully, and I snicker.

“It’s going so well. He’s really nice and has been great company. I think I might have to keep this night going after the reception.”

“Oooh, look at you! Okay. Do you want our suite in the villa, or…” Yara questions. She glances back at her date and smiles at him. “We do have two rooms in our suite, so it’s not like we’d be in the same spot. I think it could work out well like us going back to the suite and not making it awkward or whatever.”
