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I walk in through the automatic doors, and just as I thought, the place is barren. My phone dings in my pocket again, so I take a quick glance to see who it is.

Again, it’s from Dimitrios.

The target is on the fifteenth floor in an office. Head south, and you’ll run right into him. I have the guards distracted with something, so they will not be a problem for you. When you leave, take the back staircase. It will lead you directly out into the alleyway, where we have a car waiting for you.

Very good. This is why I work for my family’s business. Every step of the way, you have some sort of support to make sure you’re not screwed over or left out in the cold. I continue through the building until I’m heading right for the elevators. I pull out my black gloves from my back pocket and slide them on, not wanting to leave any sort of fingerprints behind. There’s not one peep coming from anywhere in this place, so I make sure to stay as quiet as I can as well.

I press the button for the elevator, and almost instantly, the doors open. I head inside and tap on the button for the fifteenth floor. As the doors close, I lean back against the wall and wait for the elevator to take me to my desired floor.

The ride isn’t a long one, and once the doors open, I head toward the south side. My target today is Alexander Ferragimo. He’s a businessman turned politician who is in the running for New York’s next mayor. He’s well known around the city and is even more well known back in California, where the client who ordered the hit is from.

We don’t require our clients to give us details on why they’re ordering hits on people. Sometimes, the clients want to let us know, almost as if they think we’re going to judge them for ordering this service in the first place.

Our client informed us that Alexander inappropriately touched their seventeen-year-old daughter at a charity event they were throwing. At least, that’s what they told us at first. We had put their order on the books, but the client called back and requested it be expedited. The client happens to be the young girl’s father, and his daughter confessed she was raped by him, but she was too afraid to say anything.

A seventeen-year-old girl, whereas Alexander is in his late thirties. It’s despicable. She isn’t even an adult. She isn’t someone he ever should have been pursuing in the first place. I have no problem handling this job myself because of what Alexander has done. Honestly, it’s why I took it. I get pleasure from eliminating men and women who act against children in a nefarious manner.

I continue down the hallway, passing office after office. All the doors are shut except one, so I head directly to the office and walk inside. “Mr. Ferragimo?”

He pulls his attention away from his computer, seeming a bit startled when he realizes I’m not someone who works in his office. I’m sure he can hear my thick Greek accent, and as he tries to place me, I think about how I’m going to do this.

“Yes, and you are?”

“A new hire on the security team, sir. We received a threat about a possible sniper. I need you to come with me, sir. We’re not certain if it’s a false alarm or not, but it would be better to be safe than sorry.”

“Yes, you’re right about that.” Alexander hops up from his chair at record speed, seeming startled about what I’ve told him. Little does he know I’m going to be the one who makes him take his last breath.

“Please, let’s hurry. There’s no time to waste while the rest of the team tries to locate the threat.” I begin walking down the hallway with Alexander until I find a conference room in the center. I stop and push the door open. He steps in directly behind me.

“Do you think this is safe enough?” he asks as I shut the door behind me.

As I turn to face him, I look right into his eyes. “No place is safe enough when you’ve hurt innocent people, Alexander. You would know a lot about that, wouldn’t you?”

He begins stumbling backward, eyes widening out of fear. He knows now. He knows I’m not here to help him. “Do you know why I’m here, Alexander?”

Immediately, he shakes his head from side to side. “No, I don’t have the slightest idea.”

I scoff, knowing it’s total and utter bullshit. “Think really hard.”

Alexander looks down at the floor for a few moments, and then his eyes meet my own. There’s more fear there than I’ve seen from him before. “See, you do know. You know what you did. I’m sure you thought you weren’t going to get caught, but you did. Now you’re going to pay for what you’ve done.” I pull my blade out from the inside of my suit jacket and rush up to him. He freezes like a deer caught in headlights, and I ram my blade into the center of his throat. I want him to choke on his own blood and know that no one is going to come and help him. He’s going to suffer, and he knows these will be his last moments.

I watch as he falls to the ground. He tries to paw at the blade in his neck. He wants to take it out, so I’ll help him. I remove the blade, and he begins swallowing, then choking on his own blood. I’m certain I severed an artery based on the way he’s bleeding out in front of me.

I’ll stay here until he’s no longer breathing, snap a photo for proof, and get it sent over to my client. We’ve already had a deposit paid, but now the remainder of the Organization’s fee will be sent through.

There’s nothing better than taking predators like this out of the world.

Chapter Six


We’ve been back in Grozny for a few days now. Since Eset and I talked back in Italy about the family, I’ve had this feeling deep inside me, like I have to communicate with Ruslan about the elephant in the room. I think I’ve been too much of a chicken to do it until now, but today, that will change. Rolando is currently driving me over to Ruslan’s place. I’m sitting in the back seat, and for some reason, I’m nervous.

I don’t even really know why. It’s not like I know anything about the family… like if we’re actually as dangerous as the rumors I’ve heard make us seem. I rub the back of my neck, trying to get the tension there to go away. I don’t know why I think it’s going to work. If that worked every single time I got the least bit anxious or nervous, I would do it every time.

“Are you all right, Xava?” It took Rolando months to call me Xava instead of Ms. Beno, even though I specifically requested it from him numerous times. He’d call me Xava a couple of times in a row and then revert back to what he originally said. He told me he felt uncomfortable doing it, and I jokingly told him being called Ms. Anything made me feel like he was speaking with my mother. Over time, Rolando and I have developed a good friendship. He’s one of my biggest confidants. I tend to tell him a lot more than I tell my siblings.

“I’m okay.”
