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This woman has been plaguing my mind since the wedding. Even in moments where I don’t find myself thinking of her, my mind slowly drifts to her. She’s the kind of woman I want to spend time with. The type of woman who can have long, easy conversations with you. I don’t find myself growing bored of her company. It very well could be because I haven’t spent a lot of time with her, yet there’s some feeling I have that’s telling me it isn’t the case.

Xava and I make some small talk, but when the waiter brings out our drinks, we start chatting a lot more. “So, what have you been doing since the last time I saw you?” Xava asks before she takes a sip of her fruity wine drink.

I inhale deeply through my nose. “Honestly? I’ve been working for the most part. I traveled for a bit, then went back home to Greece. Now I’m here to take a break for a couple of days. What about you?”

“My life isn’t nearly as exciting as yours. I’ve been here, but I don’t do too much. Spend time with family, keep myself occupied with family activities, that sort of thing.” It seems to me that Xava doesn’t want to talk about her family too much. She keeps looking down at the table every time she mentions them.

I decide to change the subject to something different. Xava’s mood changes almost instantly. She’s calmer, peppier, and seems a lot happier.

In no time, our food is brought out to us, so we enjoy our meals. Mine very well might be one of the best I’ve had in a very long time. Maybe this darkness thing isn’t just a load of crap. Maybe it actually works.

Our waiter brings out our desserts, and then the two of us are ready to get out of there. The waiter brings the check, and Xava tries to grab it, but I’m stronger and take it right from her hands. I slide my card into the booklet and wait for the waiter to return, but I look right into her eyes. There’s one thing I have to say to her. “When I take you out on a date, I will always be the one paying for it.”

“While I think that’s so chivalrous of you, it’s not needed. I can at least pay for my meal, Ambros.”

I shake my head. “I know you can, but when you’re in my company, you won’t. Call me old school if you will, but I insist.”

Xava giggles and shakes her head. “Fine. I somehow think there’s absolutely no point in arguing with you.”

“You’ve got that right.”

The waiter comes up and grabs the check. In a short couple of minutes, he comes back with my card, and I leave him a hefty tip. Xava’s texting away on her phone and peers up to look at me for a split second.

“I’m having Rolando pull the car around the front for us.”

“Ah, the man who doesn’t seem to like me very much.”

“Rolando doesn’t like anyone he doesn’t know,” Xava points out, making me feel like he’s very protective of her.

“Is it anyone or just men around you?” I’m not coming off as a dick. I’m generally curious.

“Anyone. Unless you’re in the family, no one is to be trusted.” Xava’s eyes darken with seriousness as she says this.

“I understand. In these times, you can’t give out your trust to just anyone.”

“Exactly.” Xava nods, and her features soften. Right now, I’d kill to know what’s going on in her mind.

I rise from my seat, and Xava does as well. I slide my arm around her waist, and we exit the restaurant together. Rolando hasn’t pulled the car up, and the city seems to be hustling and bustling, even at this late hour. I’m sure he’ll be here momentarily, but while we wait, I’m going to enjoy my time alone with her.

I pull Xava a bit closer against my side, and she looks up at me. A sweet, happy smile crosses over her features just as the sound of gunshots rings out. I immediately go into protection mode and shield Xava’s body with my own as I get her on the ground.

I look around to see if I can figure out where the gunfire is coming from when I spot a man running across the street toward a car. Rolando pulls up in front of Xava and rushes out to make sure she’s okay. “Stay with her. I’ll be back,” I grit out, but my anger isn’t directed at him.

I run across the street, weaving myself in and out of traffic as I chase after her assailant. He’s trying his best to get to his vehicle, and there’s a man already behind the wheel. I’m watching them both, and the man in the car must decide his buddy isn’t going to get there fast enough, so he throws the car in drive and races off, leaving his pal who did the dirty work to face the consequences I’m giving him.

“Looks like you’ve been left to deal with this yourself,” I snarl at the man who dared to take aim at Xava. If this happened another time, I would automatically assume someone was trying to harm me. I don’t believe that is the case here since this trip was planned at the last minute. No one knew was leaving for Grozny or even that I’m here. If the circumstances were different, I’d say someone had enough time to plan something to harm or possibly kill me. Still, I don’t believe that’s possible in this situation.

He turns around and looks right at me before aiming the gun. I scoff at him. “If you’re going to aim, you’d sure as hell better shoot.”

He might be in his early twenties, possibly even teens. I want to shake my head because I know he’s practically a child and isn’t the person who ordered the job. No, he’s the pawn they sent to do it. It almost feels unfair to go after someone who has barely experienced life, but I don’t have a choice in the matter. I have to send a message.

I’m so used to killing, sure, but the men and women I go after are very bad people.

He fumbles with the gun, and as we reach the sidewalk, he trips over the edge of it, falling directly on his back. I’m on top of him in no time. I kick the gun away and grab him by the collar of his shirt before throwing him back on the ground. “Who sent you?” I roar my question out at him.

He doesn’t answer me.

“I said, who fucking sent you?” This time, I collide my fist with his face, hoping it will encourage him to speak up, but it doesn’t.
