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“Heavens, no. I’ve been up since about five this morning, my time. What’s up? You look so beautiful, but you look so bothered.”

I sigh heavily and stare into my phone, looking at my cousin. “You wouldn’t believe what happened tonight. Lom is fucking infuriating. Let me tell you, he’s, ugh!” I grumble, my anger starting to get the best of me.

Amelia smiles from ear to ear, and it only aggravates me further. “So, this is about Lom, hmm?”

“Yeah, the asshole who thinks he owns me. I went out for some drinks with my very gay co-worker, Kim, and Lom comes up there with nostrils flaring, chest puffed out and everything.”

“Oh, this is getting good. What else happened?” Amelia narrows her eyes in curiosity.

“There was a bit, so I’ll give you the Cliffs Notes version. He asked Kim if he was fucking me or if he was trying to fuck me. Then he told Kim not to touch what didn’t belong to him. I snapped at him and told him I wasn’t his property and told him to fuck off, then he left.”

“Damn, seriously?”

I nod once, “Yep. God, Amelia… I seriously thought about clawing his eyes out right then and there. He pissed me off so bad.”

Amelia laughs lightly. “You two are like a moth to a flame. I know you’re very well aware of his reputation, but… are you preparing yourself for when you’re not this shiny, new thing in front of him?”

Amelia’s always wanted me to be aware of his past, and I am. I know he’s very much a playboy, man whore, or whatever else you want to call him. Lom just gives me the impression he’s not interested in anyone else. It could very well be because I’m still new and shiny, as my cousin pointed out a few moments ago.

“I’m not holding my breath when it comes to Lom, Amelia. I know what I willingly agreed to, and if I get hurt in the process, I have no one else to blame except myself.”

“I have to admit, him getting all jealous makes me think he actually gives a damn about you. But I know what Ruslan’s said about his brother. I know his reputation and the jar of broken hearts he’s left behind. I just don’t want you to be one of those broken hearts too.”

I smile softly at Amelia because she always has my best interests in mind. “I know, and honestly, I don’t want to be one either.”

“Okay, so give me an update about what’s going on between you two. The last thing I knew, you guys were having sex from time to time, but that was it.”

I nod as I slump down on the couch and lean back against the plush pillows. “That’s right. We sleep together whenever we need an itch scratched, and we hang out, too, a couple times a week. We don’t always have sex, but I find that I enjoy his company.”

“Okay, so… who do you hang out with besides Lom, or like, what do you do besides hang out with him?”

“Um.” I take a few moments to think about it. “I work, or I’m at some networking event for work, or I’m doing overtime at work.”

Amelia throws her head back and laughs as she heads over to her coffee pot on the screen. She sits me down on the counter, and I can see her pouring her coffee into a ceramic mug. “You do realize your life consists of Lom and work, right?”

I don’t know how I didn’t see it until now, but Amelia’s right. “Wow. I didn’t realize,” I mutter and a baby screaming in the background tells me Karim must be awake.

“Shit, that’s my cue to go. But I want to talk to you again soon. Call me soon, okay?”

I nod. “Yeah, I will.”

“So, what are you going to do about Lom? I have to know before I go.”

“Honestly? I’m debating showing up at his hotel suite and losing my shit on him. I’m sure he’s back there already, and I look damn good right now.”

“Hell yeah, you do! I’d do that. Maybe you’ll have some hot make-up sex while you’re at it.” I laugh at Amelia’s words, but I don’t even know if I want to get fucked right now. I’m so irritated it isn’t even funny.

“We’ll see if I even let him have the pleasure of touching me.”

“Ooooh, I love the sassiness. Before I go, are you going to come to visit soon?”

“I’m not sure yet. I got offered a job at the place I’ve been interning, so I don’t know what my vacation time looks like. On Monday, I’ll ask HR about vacation time. I’ll let you know as soon as I do, okay?”

“Thank you. Now, go put Lom in his place and give me all the details tomorrow.” Amelia winks, and the two of us say our goodbyes. I hang up the phone and sit up on the couch. It’s late, so I really should go take all my make-up off and get ready for bed, but I’m irritated.

Fuck it. I pull up the Uber app and search for a driver near me. Luckily, I find one that’s ten minutes away who’s agreed to drive me where I need to go.

I keep myself busy by freshening up my lipstick and applying a bit more eyeshadow to make my eyes really pop. I take two shots of whiskey for good measure and to keep my nerves right. By the time my driver’s supposed to pick me up, I’m out on the sidewalk, getting into the back of his car. The guy seems decent enough, and I have some small talk with him while he takes me to Lom’s hotel. I get out of the car and head inside, spotting Ludvik downstairs on one of the couches. He’s on his phone, and I walk up to him without him even noticing.
