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“Mmm, I see. Alejandro Ramirez has led the cartel for many years now. What makes you think Julio will get control? From what I know, his people are happy with him, are they not?”

“As far as I know, yes. Rafael is the brute out of the brothers, whereas Alejandro keeps peace in Mexico. I don’t know anything about Julio, and it could very well mean that this is going to cause some real problems if he gets anywhere with taking what he believes is rightfully his.” My brother laughs in amusement on the other end of the line.

“Handle things as you see fit if they show up in Atlanta, but I wouldn’t worry about this until we need to be worrying about it. They might handle things among themselves, as most family arguments are solved. Now, I have to get going and warm Karim’s bottle, but contact me if there are any changes. All right?”

“Yes, I will,” I tell my brother, and then he hangs up the phone.

All I can do is hope that nothing will end up coming here. Things have been busy enough, and with everything my family has been through, I’m praying that we can get somewhat of a break for a while.


Two hours fly by, and I pick Emily up at her apartment complex. We’re almost at the club now where we’re going to spend a few hours this evening, and I think she looks as beautiful as ever, maybe even more beautiful than I’ve seen her before.

She’s in a deep pink dress that stops a few inches below her ass. It’s sexy but isn’t overly so. Once I park the vehicle, I walk alongside her, and we both head inside. We order food at the bar and go sit down in one of the booths made for two people. We’re told our food will come out to us shortly, so since we already have our drinks, we can sit down and enjoy one another’s company for a bit.

“So, how was your day?” I question Emily. Before, I would never ask women questions like this, simply because I didn’t really give a damn about them. With Emily, things are so different. I care about her, which means I care about how her day has been. I want to know if it was good or if someone pissed her off. Whether it’s good, bad, or ugly… I want to know.

“It was eventful, I suppose.” The tone of her voice makes me think she doesn’t want to talk about it. I have two options right now. I can either ask her flat out what happened, or I can let it be. As much as I’d like to just not ask her about it… I don’t know if it’s in my nature to. I care about this woman, and when you care about someone, you always want to make sure they’re okay.

“It sounds like something’s bothering you,” I point out, and Emily picks up her whiskey sour and takes a sip. I wait a few moments, and finally, she starts to speak.

“Yeah, my boss at work made a remark about how I’m not working as much as I used to when I was interning. It’s sort of pissed me off.”

“What do you mean?” I question her because I don’t really understand what the problem is here.

“Well, when I was interning, I worked over sixty hours a week most of the time. I wanted to prove to the company that I’m a valuable asset to have. Since I got the position, I’ve been working forty-hour weeks, which is standard for any sort of employee. My boss isn’t happy that I’m not working more hours and insinuated I should be doing something to make up for the lack of hours being worked.” Emily sighs, and a disgusted expression crosses over her features.

“When you say ‘something’, I imagine you mean sexual favors?” If this is true, I might kill this boss of hers.

“He said it without saying it, but yes. I’m not an idiot, and I know what he wanted. I told him I proved myself to the company and stood up for myself, so I’m certain he’ll be off my back now.” He’ll be off her back because I might kill him.

“I’m glad you stood up for yourself, but you shouldn’t have to deal with anything like that. No one should.” I clench my jaw, and Emily notices me doing it.

She grabs onto my hand that’s sitting on the table and gives it a good squeeze. “I handled it, Lom. I’m good. There’s no need for you to be stressed out about it.”

“I’m not stressed about it,” I tell her, and Emily’s eyes sparkle with a little bit of amusement.

“It sure looks like you’re thinking about it or something,” she comments back at me, and a smile tugs at my lips.

“I might be, but it’s only because I don’t like what he was trying to do. It’s disgusting and classless,” I reply, and she nods in agreement.

One of the bartenders, or maybe she’s a waitress, brings over the food we ordered. Emily and I take our time enjoying our food, not rushing one bit. When we’re done with our food, I pay the tab we’ve already run up, plus I get us two more drinks. By this point, we’re both feeling pretty buzzed, and Emily ends up yanking me out on the dance floor with her. I know I told her dancing earlier, but I really didn’t want to dance.

I will do almost anything for her, though, so I stay on the dance floor with her for a while. She sways her hips to every beat and runs her hands along my body. Between the flashing lights, the buzz I have going, and the way she’s moving, I’m in euphoria. We stay on the dance floor until she’s tired of being out here. Once we reach the edge of the dance floor, Emily grabs ahold of my shirt and pulls me closer to her. She stands up on her tippy toes in her heels and reaches up to crush her lips against my own. She’s ferocious with how she’s kissing me, and I’m taken aback by how direct she’s being. Now, I’m not complaining one bit. This is hot as hell.

I glance around the club and notice a doorway down the hallway to the left. It’s right by the bathrooms, and with any luck, it’s a storage closet that we can open. I grab onto Emily’s hand and tug her along with me, needing her now more than ever.

Luckily enough for the both of us, the door’s unlocked, so I push it open, then the two of us walk inside. She laughs as we enter the closet, and I shut the door behind us, then lock the handle. I drop down on my knees and pull up the bottom of her dress, yanking her lace panties down and bringing my mouth to her sweet mound. It’s bare for me, and I dart my tongue between her folds, wanting to taste her now as I’ve craved to do since starting to dance.

I lap my tongue against her lips, and her essence coats my tongue. She leans back against what must be a shelf and moans as I pick up my pace. As I continue burrowing between her lips, I roll my thumb against her clit, only further egging her on. She’s primed and ready for me right now but fuck if I don’t want her to keep getting wetter for me.

I keep pleasuring her until Emily grabs me by the root of my hair and looks down at me. “Lom, I need you inside me, now!”

Her wish is my command. I rise from my knees and unzip my pants just enough for my cock to poke through. I’m as hard as a rock, ready to fuck her into the next dimension, honestly. Emily and I always have amazing sex, but fuck if this time, this kinky in-public shit isn’t turning me on even more. We usually have sex at her place or mine… but this is the next level for us.

I yank the bottom of her dress up with one of my hands and hike a leg up with the other. Within seconds I’m sliding myself inside her wet center, and fuck is it wet. I plow into her with extra force, and she moans in my ear with every movement. The way she moans my name only excites me even more, and I’m damn sure I could keep doing this for hours. Only, we don’t have hours.

We might have a few more minutes before we have to get out of this closet, but I’ll fuck her like a savage until then.
