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“Did you ever tell your aunt Sierra’s name?”

Emily nods, “Yeah, I told her when I gave Sierra to her.”

“Okay… if we’re lucky, maybe they kept her name the same as it was. But, if they didn’t, at least we can still work on the birth date and then do a DNA test to confirm,” I comment, and Emily licks her lips nervously. I can’t imagine what’s going through her mind right now, but at least she knows she isn’t alone.

We all get out of the vehicle, and the drivers of the trucks do the same. All of us head to the back of the trucks. We wait outside while the men unhook the clasps on the back of the trailers and roll the doors up. After a few more minutes of pushing things around, we can hear little girls talking among themselves. The truck drivers come to the edge of the truck and hop down, extending their hands to help the girls. Ludvik and I end up going to each tractor trailer and help get all the girls down… and some of their conditions cause me to have a second glance.

A few of the girls have deep dark circles under their eyes, while another’s cheekbones can visibly be seen. They squint as the sunlight blinds them, and I know they’ve been through absolute hell. It’s probably worse than I could ever imagine, but I do know for a fact that their hell is over with.

Most of the girls here all look relatively the same. They’re Caucasian, have brown or blonde hair, and have either green or blue eyes. Fuck, finding out which one is Emily’s daughter will be harder than I thought.

“Check and see if any of them have a birthmark below their right ear,” Emily tells me as she goes up to one group of girls. I go to the other side and do the same thing, looking to see if I can find any of them that match this descriptive trait.

I find a brunette girl who has a birthmark halfway down her throat, more toward her neck, but as I bring her over to where Emily is with the other group of girls, she has one with her as well. Sure enough, as I glance at the young girl’s neck, there’s a birthmark just below her ear.

“What are we doing here?” the girl with me asks, and I glance down to see she’s visibly shaking.

“You don’t need to be worried about anything. I know you’re afraid, but we’re good people. We wanted to save you from that place.” I try to assure her, but she keeps looking around nervously.

“All of my life, I’ve only ever been tricked,” the little girl mumbles lowly, but it’s loud enough that I can hear her.

“I assure you, this isn’t a trick. We came to save you all from that bad place. One of you… you’re her daughter, and that’s why we took you all out. Whichever of you—”

“What will happen to the rest of us? Will you send us back to that horrible place?” The little girl’s shaking intensifies, and she wraps her arms around herself.

She’s absolutely terrified, and I hate it for her. “No, you won’t. Most of you were taken away from loving parents, and if it’s safe for you to go back, we’ll send you to your parents… but if that isn’t an option, we’ll find a loving, safe place for the rest of you. I promise.” I look into her light blue eyes until I feel like she believes me.

“So, there are two of you,” Emily says as we meet up with one another.

I take a look at the girl she has, and this girl also has light blue eyes. Only this girl’s birthmark is closer to her ear, while the one I have with me has her birthmark located closer to her neck. I know Emily said the birthmark was right under her ear, but over the years, as the girl grew, it could’ve moved down more.

“My name is Emily, and I’m not sure if Lom told you why we’re here… but one of you two is my daughter, and I’m trying to get you back. That place where you were… it wasn’t where you were supposed to go. All of you—your friends over there—were supposed to be adopted into families who would love you and cherish you, but a mean woman took you to that place… and I’m so sorry for everything you’ve ever had to go through. Please know your parents love you more than anything and where you went is never where you were meant to go. They had the best intentions.” I can’t hide the fact I’m shocked Emily’s being so honest with these two girls, but at the same time, we know their lives haven’t been what they were intended to be.

“So… we were cared about? They… they told us we were thrown away like garbage,” the girl with Emily says, and her lip begins to quiver.

“Yes, you were loved beyond your wildest dreams,” Emily tells her, but the girl with me speaks up.

“If we were loved, then why were we given away?”

Emily looks at the little girl with me and swallows hard before speaking. “Because most of your mothers were fifteen, sixteen, or seventeen years old. They didn’t have the resources to provide for you and give you a good life, so they were trying to find a family who could give you everything you’d need plus more.”

“Is that supposed to make us feel better… our life has sucked,” she tells her, and my own heart sinks into my stomach.

“I know it has, and there’s nothing we can ever do to make up for any of it… but all we can try to do is make it better from this point forward. What are your names?” Emily is doing her best to try and make sure both of these girls are confident in what we’re doing here, but after everything they’ve been through, I don’t know if it’ll be possible.

“We’re both Sierra, I’m one, and she’s two. That’s what they would call us… one and two,” the girl with me answers. She has dirty blonde hair, while the other girl has dark locks, just like Emily.

Ludvik comes over with three kits in his hands. “I’ve got some DNA tests here. We can get them processed today if we get them to the lab before noon.”

I help Ludvik open them up and read the directions. Emily does the kit on herself first and seals everything while I help the Sierra I have with her kit. Emily helps the other Sierra swab her cheeks when she’s done with hers, and Ludvik has all the kits in his hands.

“Go ahead and take them to the lab,” I tell him, knowing we all want these results to come back as soon as possible.

Ludvik heads toward the SUV and tears out of the parking lot like he’s being chased by the police. He knows how important this is, so I’m not shocked he’s racing to the lab.

“I’m really hungry,” the Sierra with me says, and I look at Emily for a second before looking back at the girl.

“Okay, then I’ll get Ludvik to come back with some pizza and soda for you all. Does that sound nice?”
