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It’s a bit past nine, and the two of us leave our floor and head downstairs. Sure enough, I spot Lu leaving the hotel. I follow her closely, clutching the handle of my blade. She’s done so much to my family, and she deserves to pay for every last bit of it.

“Is the van ready?” I question Goran as we walk. I had him call an Umarova contact, and we’ve rented one of their vans, which is supposed to be located right around the corner. They’re a “cleaner”, which is code for a clean-up crew. This is going to go off without a hitch. I’m going to attack her from behind, and Goran will help me get her into the van when the time is right. Then we can go off where we need, so I can have my fun making her pay for everything she’s done to my family.

We walk side by side over the pedestrian walkway and then make it to the sidewalk at the park. Lu is about a couple hundred feet in front of us, and I continuously keep scanning the area to make sure she isn’t with someone. Sure enough, no one is remotely close to her, and any worries I had drift away.

I walk over the concrete path, and Lu makes a sharp right, taking her between two tree lines. Goran keeps walking beside me, but I motion with my head for him to go, and I keep walking behind Lu. She doesn’t look back, not even once, and I make sure to take my steps at the same time she’s taking hers. I doubt she even realizes what’s going to happen right now, and I can’t wait to see the look on her face when I do it.

I’m able to get closer to Lu, and she slows down before looking up at the stars. She probably thinks this is a beautiful night to take in the scenery, but I’ll only think it’s beautiful when she’s bleeding out in front of me. I’m not going to let her death happen so easily, not after what she’s done to my family. Amelia and Emily are my sisters now that they’re with my brothers. They are family, and I will avenge them as an Umarova does.

I clutch the blade in my pocket and pull it out, pressing it against Lu’s back firmly so she can feel the sharp edge of the blade. She inhales quickly, and she must be wondering who’s doing this to her. “My wallet is in my left pocket. Take the money. It’s over a thousand pounds.”

I laugh because she thinks I’m just someone who’s looking for cash or valuables. She’d only be so lucky. “Your money is no good to me, but your life is.”

Lu stills as the reality of my words hits her. Her chest rises and falls with each breath, and I know she’s trying to think how she can get out of this. “I take it you know who I am?”

“I do, and you know who I am,” I counter, wanting her to know I’m not some random person who’s been hired to kill her.

“Will you give me the decency of telling me your name?”

“It’s Eset Umarova. I know all about you, Lu, and about every vile thing you’ve done to Amelia and Emily. Did you really think you could keep living without one of us coming for you?”

A gust of wind comes from out of nowhere, and it’s a telling sign of how the night will go. “I’m untouchable, Eset. You’re supposed to be marrying my almost son-in-law, aren’t you? It would be a shame for that deal to get nixed.”

I laugh maniacally because she has no idea who the fuck she’s messing with. “You’re not a god, Lu. You’re vermin, and you’re one that will be exterminated tonight. But you’re also one who doesn’t think too deeply, from what I can see. I don’t even have to tell you this, but I want you to know I’m the reason Julio’s entire world is about to come crashing down. He’s going to lose everything because of my family, and his son’s going to be holding my hand as it all burns to a crisp.” I hope Santos is true to his word, but only time will tell. Regardless, if he makes himself an enemy of my family, he will learn to regret it, but for some reason, I do have hopes for him.

“Julio will never let it happen, and neither will I!” Lu turns around and tries to disarm me by grabbing my wrist, but I kick her and use my other arm to push her away. She swoops her leg behind mine, and it causes me to stumble forward, but on the way down, I catch Lu and fall on top of her.

Her eyes widen, and she struggles to take a breath. I glance down at her and notice my knife is pressed into her chest. It must have happened when we were falling. Fuck, this isn’t what I had planned at all. It was never supposed to happen this quickly.

Goran comes rushing over out of the woods, and somehow, he maintains his composure. “Miss Eset, we have to get her to the van now.”

“I can’t believe what I’m seeing right now.”

There’s only one man who sounds like that. Sure enough, I turn around and find Santos, maybe twenty feet behind us.

If this isn’t a double whammy, I don’t know what is.

Chapter Seven


I knew Eset was bloodthirsty and malicious if the situation called for it, but I didn’t expect her to go after Lu by herself. Hell, I can’t tell if I should be impressed or concerned right now.

Eset turns around, wide-eyed, shocked I’m even here in the first place. “This is the other business you had to tend to.” I know I’m right, and she knows I’m fucking right too.

Eset takes in a deep breath and nods. “It is, and I’m sure you have some inclination about why I’m doing this. If you don’t, I’ll fill you in on the car ride, but we need to get going. Goran, we have to move now.” Goran immediately heads over to Lu and pulls her into his arms, then starts walking toward the street, where I imagine the van is located. “Goran will be able to handle things with our allies until you and I can get there.” Ah, so Eset wants me to go with her now? Interesting.

Eset begins walking down the path, and I follow her, sticking a couple of feet behind her. She makes a right down another path that’s attached to the one we were already on and then heads up to an SUV. Digging into her pocket, she pulls out a set of keys and unlocks the vehicle. Once it’s unlocked, we both get inside, and before my seatbelt is even on, Eset pulls out onto the street, going to an address she has pulled up on her GPS.

“How quickly did you throw this entire thing together?” It was only a few hours ago that I told Eset that Lu was in London. She was able to get the rest of the information that she needed in only a few hours to pull off an operation such as this? It proves how connected the Umarova family is, and it shows me how dedicated Eset is as well.

“I don’t need much information in order to make moves, Santos. You shouldn’t either. People like you and me—we’re not at liberty to take time before we make decisions. It’s kill or be killed. Lu is a menace and has been for a very long time. She’s done the vilest things to my new sisters, and I refuse to call them sisters-in-law because I feel that word for them doesn’t nearly express the magnitude of the presence they have in my life.”

“Lu isn’t a saint, and if I’m being honest, I’ve tried to tell my father numerous times how she’s only a hindrance, but he doesn’t see her as such. He believes she’s an ally and that she’d do anything for him. I beg to differ. I think she’s the first person who would stab him in the back if the right situation ever arose.”

“This is coming from the man who’s said his father’s ambitions aren’t his own?” Eset turns her head to look at me for a second before returning her attention back to the road.

“Yes, just because I don’t agree with him doesn’t mean I want to watch a soul-sucking wench destroy what he wants. Granted, he won’t ever get what he wants. You and I both know Alejandro’s siblings support him, and thus the majority of the world will too. Now, my father believes that my marriage to you will offer that peaceful transition of power I told you about, though you and I know it won’t happen.”
