Page 4 of Shattered Wings

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Ernesto doesn’t loosen his grip. “No.”

I thrash and buck, but Ernesto is a lot stronger than I give him credit for. “I’m not going to tell you again.”

Ernesto’s breath is hot against my skin. “This is for your own good, Carter. You’re going to thank me for this later.”

Something in me snaps, and I manage to break free of Ernesto’s grasp. I launch myself at Paul, who has his head tilted back, a few crumpled-up tissues in his hand. Sam and Anita both step in front of him and fold their arms over their chests. I glance from one woman to the other, my heart still racing unevenly.

“Get out of my way,” I say in a voice I don’t recognize. “I don’t want to hurt either of you.”

Anita draws herself up to her full height, and her eyes blaze with heartbreaking emotion. “This is not how Blackthornes treat each other, Carter. You and I both know you’re not angry at your cousin, and you’re not even angry with Sam. The real reason you’re pissed is because you think this is your fault.”

A low pounding bounces through the back of my skull, and I’m dimly aware of the silence around us. Hushed conversation rises and falls in little bursts.

Anita looks directly at me. “You’re angry because you feel like this is your fault, but you couldn’t have known Rich was going to go after them. You had a war to worry about, and it’s not over yet. None of us are safe until we broker a deal with the Philipses and the Natoris.”

I exhale sharply. “I am not brokering a deal with fucking Donahue. I am going to rip him apart with my bare hands, and if any of you try to stop me, you’re not going to like what I do.”

It’s the only thing I can think of… and the only thought that gives me any kind of comfort. I imagine myself wrapping my arms around Rich’s throat and squeezing the life out of him.

Anita takes a step forward, and her expression softens. “Nobody is going to try and stop you, Carter. Not when it comes to Donahue. We’re not the enemy here.”

I make a low noise in the back of my throat and say nothing.

Anita places a hand on my arm and drags me off.

On our way out of the cafeteria, I see the uniformed security guards descend on Ernesto and Paul. Sam stands off to the side while the two of them make a vague hand gesture. Ernesto looks up at me and reaches into his pocket as I step onto the elevator, and the doors ping shut behind us. Two floors later, Anita shifts and pulls on the emergency stop button.

The elevator lurches, but I plant both feet firmly on the floor and brace myself.

“We are not at full strength,” Anita says, the words tumbling out of her in a rush. “You can’t afford to alienate any more people, Carter, and you sure as shit can’t beat the fuck out of them because they’re pointing out the obvious.”

“Paul shouldn’t be questioning me.” I stiffen and let my hands hang limply at my side. “He needs to fall in line like everyone else.”

Anita makes a low choking noise. “You’re smarter than this, Carter. You know that beating the shit out of everyone isn’t going to get you anywhere, especially not at a time like this. We’re in the middle of a war, for fuck’s sake, and the last thing we need is for the Natoris and Philipses to realize and start circling closer.”

I run a hand over my face. “Don’t you think I know that?”

Anita studies my face. “I think that you’re too blinded by your worry for Isabella and Tristan to see the bigger picture.”

I look away from her. “What bigger picture?”

“You’re losing control of the family,” Anita continues in a softer voice. “I know you don’t want to admit it, but I’ve known you most of your life, Carter, and I know how you react when you feel like your back is against the wall.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“It means that you start acting like a caged animal, lashing out at anyone and everyone who comes too close,” Anita adds, her eyes never leaving my face. “I love Isabella too, but what you’re doing isn’t helpful. We need to keep up a united front, especially once our enemies find out that you’re not the one in that hospital bed.”

I open my mouth and snap it shut.

As much as I hate to admit it, Anita is right.

My aunt has been around a lot longer, and I’m not arrogant enough to think I could’ve gotten us here without her unwavering support. She’s been a constant by my side through thick and thin, and dismissing her isn’t an option. Not when she can see the bigger picture.

The one I’m too blinded to acknowledge.

“More and more people are talking about having you replaced as the head of the Blackthorne family,” Anita tells me after a long pause. “I know it’s not what you want to hear, but you have the right to know, and I didn’t want you to hear it from anyone else.”

I stand up straighter. “Who do I have to worry about?”
