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SJ’s booming laugh makes me crack a smile as well. “Yes, Mom. We’re ‘an item.’” He adds air quotes around “an item,” poking at her old school term for dating.

Camilla squeals and pulls me into a hug. “Finally,” she says into my ear. When she pulls back, her smile is still beaming. “I can’t wait to tell Sam. She just loves you, Nora. She’s going to be as excited as I am.”

SJ groans playfully. “She’ll never let me hear the end of this.”

“Who won’t let you hear the end of what?” Sam’s bright and cheerful voice pops out of nowhere.

I jump, then laugh. SJ’s little sister is stealthier than her big brother, and that’s saying something.

I guess closing at the hardware store went smoothly this evening because they made record time getting home.


“Oh, SJ and Nora have the best news!”

SJ and Camilla speak at the same time, while I stand and wait for her reaction. I think she’ll be happy for us. I hope she will be because I’ve become pretty fond of the beautiful, snarky teenage girl.

That’s another thing that makes me nervous. If SJ and I don’t work out, I won’t just lose him. I’ll lose her, too. I push away the dark thoughts and paste a bright smile on my face.

Now isn’t the time to be stuck in my head, worrying over all the things that could go wrong when, in reality, it could go so, so right.

SJ says nothing because he’s too chickenshit of ridicule from his little sis apparently, so I take the few steps separating us and curl into his side.

He doesn’t hesitate. He reaches out and pulls my body against his like he’s done it a thousand times before. Like it’s natural, the two of us together in front of his family without a second thought.

The action helps put some of my earlier worries to bed, but not completely.

We aren’t prepared for the squeal that erupts from Sam’s mouth. It’s ear piercingly loud, and entirely girlie. It immediately puts a huge smile on my face, and as I look up to see SJ’s reaction, I find an even bigger one on his.

The next thing I know, I’m being pulled from SJ’s arms and into Sam’s. She smashes me against her and not so quietly whispers in my ear. “I freaking knew it!”

I giggle and hug her fiercely. She pulls back to look at me, then her eyes cut straight to SJ’s before narrowing. “When did this happen?”

He shrugs nonchalantly. “Does it matter?”

My eyes volley between the two of them, wondering what the heck is going on right now, and my question is answered as soon as their dad comes into the living room to join the festivities.

“Yes, as a matter of fact, it does!” she sasses.

My brows furrow in confusion. “Why would it matter?” I ask.

“What is going on, Sam?” SJ questions.

“Hey! You’re back!” Charles says, smiling at the two of us.

“Daddy! I’m trying to see who won the bet,” Sam chastises her father and immediately straightens her back. Her cheeks hollow as she turns to face her astonished father.

“Samantha Christine Johnson!” Camilla hisses out.

What shocks me even more than Sam’s outburst is Charles’ reaction to said outburst. Instead of turning steaming mad, he’s embarrassed with her. Both of them stand there with their eyes wide, cheeks pink, and lips unmoving.

“Sam is just so happy for you two. That’s all,” Camilla stutters, trying to recover for her daughter and husband.

I place my hands on my hips, not ready to let Sam off the hook that easily. “What bet?”

SJ says nothing as he crosses his arms and spreads his feet wide, silently backing me up.

“Did I say bet? I meant… I meant…” She stutters, and Charles drops his head to his chest. Camilla is the only one in the room who can seem to find her words.
