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How can he still push for deviation from my normal routine when SJ just told him what could happen? What in the hell was the point of hiring a bodyguard if we won’t let him do his job?

I spin on my heels because I’m done with this entire conversation. “No, you’re being unreasonable! SJ just told you every fucking reason why bailing is dangerous. On top of that, I was just offered the chance to dance for one of the best directors in the country and star in the play I’ve dreamed of performing since I was a little girl! I will not lose all of that over some psycho trying to ruin my life! And I won’t go against the man you hired. You hired him for a damn reason. What’s the point if we don’t listen to him? He’s more than a meat shield. He’s good at what he does because he’s smart. We need to listen.”

Judging by Alex’s face, my outburst breaks through his stubbornness. His shoulders fall, and a sympathetic look overtakes his face, which I don’t fucking want or need. “Nora, I care about you. I want to make sure we’re being smart here.”

My left brow raises incredulously before he even finishes his sentence. “Exactly! Which is why you and Mom hired a professional behind my back. You wouldn’t dare walk into an OR and tell a surgeon how he should cut, so don’t tell a man with years of experience and a large track record of successful saves in his field how to protect his charges. Especially when you’re the reason he’s here.”

I raise my hands out to my sides. “Which is it, Alex? Do we need him? Or can we do it on our own? Because I’m sure SJ would probably like to go visit family instead of being here risking his life. So, if you can do it better, we should just let him go home, right?”

Alex visibly flinches, and I feel bad, but not enough to apologize.

Even saying anything about SJ leaving made my stomach roll over in disappointment and something else I didn’t want to think about. Not right now.

I’ve mostly let it go over the past week. I like SJ… a lot. Way more than I’m willing to admit and way more than I should. However, sometimes my frustration and anger over the people in my life making decisions for me without my consent really chaps my ass.

“I know. I’m sorry for taking your choice away when hiring him. You know how much I care. I’ve told you I’m sorry a million times, but I’ll keep saying it until you believe me,” Alex states.

“I hear you. I believe you, but it’s shit like this that doesn’t help me let it go. Let SJ do his job. He’s good at it, and you need to trust him.”

“Do you trust him?” Alex asks, like SJ isn’t even in the room with us. That annoys me even more. Alex can be so stuck up sometimes, treating people like they’re beneath him.

My gaze once again finds SJ’s steady one. A tranquil feeling settles down deep in the pit of my stomach when I consider my automatic answer.


SJ’s responding smile does something to my heart as well. A tingle starts in my chest and spreads out to my arms and legs, filling my whole body with the most warm and welcoming feeling.


It was an intense afternoon with Alex and Nora arguing like two teenagers hell bent on getting their way. I stood back, hoping the two of them could come to an agreement on their own, or at the bare minimum, an understanding and a compromise.

However, that didn’t happen, so I stepped in to defuse the situation. It isn’t good for any of us to be on a different page about handling this. I’m especially worried about their dynamic. Something doesn’t sit right with me about Alex, but I can’t put my finger on it. It could be the situation or his reaction to Nora.

I understand where Nora is coming from and her desire to dig her heels in about performing at the final show. If I were her, I’d do the same thing.

What I don’t understand is Alex. Did the bouquet at her door rattle him that much? Or is he just trying to control her? My gut tells me there’s more to this, and that thought is confirmed when Alex approaches me alone.

His eyes darted around, presumably to make sure we were out of earshot of anyone else. “I think it’s in Nora’s best interest that we encourage her to be more cautious. Don’t you agree?”

“Hmmm,”is my only response since I don’t know what he’s implying.

I’m here to protect her, as I was hired to do. Every precaution is being taken. Every lead is being tracked down. The head of the hotel security sent me footage they pulled from yesterday evening after Nora and I left the hotel.

Everything is in order for a situation like this, which means I’m not worried about her dancing. The situation as a whole, however, is a different story.

I’ve spent every free moment scouring the surveillance for any signs of this fucker. So far, all I’ve caught is a man of average height and build with a wide brimmed hat pulled down low over his face. He made sure to not make eye contact with any of the cameras, keeping his head down and out of view.

It makes me think he scoped out the hotel before he arrived. I haven’t talked to Nora about my theory yet. The fucker may have just gotten lucky, but I don’t think so. I think he planned it out, which changes the profile we have on him.

I won’t lie and say that doesn’t worry me. We may not be dealing with a run-of-the-mill stalker here.

If he did that much prep—learning camera locations and memorizing a floor plan enough he could maneuver with his eyesight obstructed by a hat—that means he’s calculated with above average intelligence. That makes him more dangerous. He’s patient enough to wait her out, and that means this could last longer than any of us are prepared for, especially Nora.

We’ll get this guy if we stick to the plan, which is why I’m not worried about her performance. Making sure everything is secure for tonight’s performance is my top priority. Next on the list is to question any staff that may have seen anything. I don’t have a lot of time to do it, but it may be the break we need.

Alex continues, not the least bit deterred I haven’t responded. “I mean, what does she think she’s doing? She’s running around here like this sick bastard isn’t out there!”

The venom in his voice gets my attention, and I finally take my eyes off the beautiful woman dancing around the stage like her life depends on it. Nights when I get to watch her dance are my favorite.
