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The doctor goes to examine her, and I have to hold myself back and busy my hands, so I don’t go over there and do something stupid. Like try to hold her hand or shove everyone out of the room.

It’s been increasingly hard to keep my hands to myself. I find myself wanting to reach out and brush my fingertips across the smooth skin of her cheek or graze my hand along the back of her neck, pulling her in close to make sure she’s okay.

Hell, this morning when she came out of the shower, I wanted to reach out and pull off the soft white towel that was securely wrapped around her body. I wanted to watch it float to the floor as she stood in front of me, bare.

She’d forgotten the clean clothes she planned to change into, so she’d quickly made her way out of the bathroom to grab them. The moment should have been nothing. She was fully covered, and I’ve seen more in the past, but something about it was intimate. The way her eyes lingered on mine, the way her breathing picked up when my eyes heated. I couldn’t fucking control it. I wanted to ravage her.

Sharing a room is a problem. I thought I could handle it, but I was dead fucking wrong. Sleeping in the bed next to hers is a new kind of hell. Her soft snores just a few feet away, or the sighs when she finally relaxes and sleep takes her under. Those are the best kinds of torture.

The only thing that stopped me this morning was my phone ringing. I’d almost ripped the towel right off my client, and that’s something that cannot happen.

With the trance broken, Nora had grabbed her clothes and hurried back to the bathroom as I took the call from my mom.

My mom’s call is another thing I don’t want to think about right now, but I don’t have much choice, unfortunately. I haven’t told Nora yet. I didn’t want to distract her, and I’m unsure what I’ll do yet, but I should talk to her about it soon.

“Ms. Reyes, you are very lucky. It isn’t broken, but you have a severe sprain.” The doctor rises to his feet and packs his bag.

All he did was ask Nora some very basic questions and prod her for less than a minute. That’s it? No imaging?

“How do you know?” I blurt out, anger rising that he isn’t doing his job more thoroughly.

His eyes shrewdly cut to mine. “Because, son, I’ve been doing this a very long time.”

His use of the word son grates on me. I’m not his son, nor am I an idiot. This guy doesn’t have x-ray vision. “That may very well be, doc, but I think it’s beneficial to get an x-ray. Right Nora?”

I’m done talking to this guy. We don’t need anything more from this incompetent dope.

Her left eyebrow is raised, and she has an adoring yet small smile on her face. It instantly relaxes my nerves, but they flare right back to life when she winces again while trying to move her damn leg.

“Can you give her something until I can get her to the emergency room?” I turn my wrath back onto the too close to retirement “doctor.” What kind of medical personnel do they hire around here?

“SJ, I’m okay. I believe the doc. It’s just a bad sprain.” Nora tries to comfort me, but all it does is make me more upset.

She shouldn’t settle for this BS. What if it’s broken, and we don’t find out until later? When she’s already started to heal?

I shake my head as I gather her things in the room, stuffing her wallet into her purse and grabbing an extra set of clothes.

“Nope, that’s not good enough, cupcake. We’re going to an ER, where they can check you properly.” I don’t wait for her answer as I distractedly grab everything I can think of that she might need.

“SJ, that’s not—”

She’s cut off by Alex pointing an angry finger in my direction and yelling, “Why the hell is he calling you cupcake?!”

Dammit, we don’t have time for this.

I walk over and scoop Nora up off the couch, cradling her to my chest. A small squeak escapes as her side collides with my chest, but it only takes her a second to wrap an arm around my neck to hold on. I’m careful not to jostle her any more than I have to.

I’m sure she doesn’t want to go to the ER in her performance leotard, so I take her to the bathroom for her to change first. Her clothes are in her purse that I have slung over my shoulder.

“Where are you taking her?” Alex rushes forward, stepping between me and the exit.

Bad move, man.

“Move.” It’s a self-explanatory one-word command, but the moron doesn’t budge.

“Alex…” Nora warns as well, clearly hearing the seriousness in my voice.

My eyes narrow. I’m not fucking around, but he is, and he’s about to find out what happens when he does. “I said, move.”
