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I look up and take in the modest but well cared for two-story white home. The shutters are black, and it has a bright teal front door. I instantly love the pop of color and the homey feel.

The door swings open, and I see a tiny woman with plump hips and an apron around her waist standing there. Her beautiful dark, curly hair is perfectly styled, with her tight curls cut close on one side and pinned, the other side full and longer.

She’s wearing blue jeans and a tee-shirt that says Johnson’s Hardware on the breast pocket. She’s pretty and has one of the best smiles. Well, besides her son. That must be where he gets that disarming smile from.

She hurries down the brick steps toward us in the driveway. “SJ! Is that really you?” There is a bit of obvious teasing alongside the love and happiness in her tone as she practically bounces toward us.

I giggle as I watch SJ drop the bags he pulled out of the back of the rental. He turns toward his mother just in time to be swallowed up in a hug. She’s tiny compared to her son, but her slight frame vibrates with excitement as she embraces him. It’s a sight to behold, this small woman holding onto her giant son like he’s still a little boy. One who she clearly missed very much.

“SJ, my boy! There you are,” a booming voice calls from the front door.

I tear my eyes from SJ and his mother and look up to find an older version of SJ walking down the walkway from the front door to the driveway. They look nearly freaking identical!

His walk is a little slower, and strained, but there is a bright, joyous smile on his face as he approaches. SJ’s mom releases him in time for his dad to move in, giving him a hard clap on the back and pulling him in for a brief warm hug.

I smile. They seem to have so much affection toward each other, which immediately puts me at ease. They seem like wonderful people already. I wasn’t too worried because SJ is so great, but you never know.

SJ and I didn’t have a lot of time to talk about what his family is like in the car, considering the other conversation that we had to have. I toy with my ring, hoping the worry and anxiety from the earlier conversation subsides so I don’t ruin this moment.

I’m meeting SJ’s parents, and that feels monumental. I want to make a great first impression and thinking about my damn stalker won’t help me. I purse my lips, then blow out a big breath as I plaster on the best smile I can conjure.

SJ’s mother watches the two men embrace and say their hellos, but she soon turns toward me. “You must be his Nora?” she says as she walks over to me, placing her hand out in greeting.

His Nora? What does that mean? My heart pumps loudly in my ears as I put my hand out to shake hers.

“Yes, I’m Nora,” I answer with a little laugh, my confusion about her wording showing clearly on my face.

A warm, but knowing smile graces her lips. “I’m Camilla, and we’re so happy to have you both in town. Hopefully, for longer than just a few days.” She winks, then turns toward her husband.

“Charles, come here and meet Nora!” Her command isn’t pushy or demanding, but he immediately turns his attention toward the two of us.

I start to approach him, but before I really make it anywhere, SJ is by my side, curling his arm around my waist to help support my body weight. His warmth envelops me as his father comes to stand before us. His smirk also reminds me of his son. I smile just at the familiarity.

“Hi, I’m Nora.” I put my hand out and wait for him to reciprocate.

“I’m Charles. Welcome to Sutter Creek,” he says as his large, callused hand engulfs mine.

“Thank you both for letting me accompany your son and for welcoming me into your home. It’s very nice to meet you both.”

“We’re so happy to have both of you! Come in, come in! I have a pot roast in the oven and you two need to get settled before dinner.” Camilla turns to make her way to the house.

Charles smiles sweetly at me, then pats SJ on the shoulder as he passes to follow his wife into the house. “Good to have you home, my boy.”

I smile as I look down at my feet. His parents are warm and welcoming. I was worried about coming here, but I never mentioned it to SJ because I didn’t want it to come across the wrong way. These people don’t know me, and I’m just a client of SJ’s.

Sure, a friendship is growing, but we’re still getting to know each other, and here he is bringing a strange woman into their home. I’m not his girlfriend, and on top of recovering from an injury, I have a psycho stalker watching both of us.

Those aren’t the best or safest of conditions to be meeting the parents, whether we’re friends or more.

They both seem very nice, and not at all put out that I’m here. I can only hope it stays that way after SJ talks to them about everything going on. My nerves float low in my belly, a queasy feeling bubbling in my stomach.

Please, let this go okay.

SJ’s hand rubs up and down my back in a slow, soothing manner. “What’s wrong, cupcake?”

I toy with my ring as my eyes move to his. “Why do you think something is wrong?”

He reaches out and smooths the furrowed spot between my brows, right above the bridge of my nose. The contact causes goosebumps to break out along my arms, and my body leans into his even more.
