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“You are making me blush,” I say to him as I nudge him in the shoulder with mine playfully.

“You deserve to be praised,” he says as he nudges me back.

He holds my eyes for a second and that familiar warmth shoots from my chest, out into my limbs and down into my fingers and toes. Filling me to the brim with happiness.

He looks away and towards his parents but reaches under the table to wrap his pinky with mine. “She’s incredible. I’ll get you two and Sam tickets to see one of her plays once she’s back on her feet.”

I’m so surprised I don’t know what to say. Camilla thankfully saves me from being a blubbering mess in front of them because right now I feel like bawling my eyes out and wrapping my arms around this giant teddy bear of a man like a monkey.

Her eyes are a little wide and teary just like mine. “Oh, that would be wonderful. We would be honored to see one of your shows, Nora.”

My smile is wobble and big when I respond. “I would love that. Hopefully I can get back on my feet in no time. I already miss it.”

“I’m sure you will. Plus, you have us to look after you in the meantime,” Camilla says.

“That’s extremely kind of you,” I say, because it is. SJ’s parents are even more wonderful than I imagined them to be. No wonder SJ is so great, he has some strong genes contributing to that teddy bear persona.

“Any friend of SJ’s is a friend of ours. Whatever you two need, just let us know,” Charles says. He looks over and smiles at his wife as he grabs her hand across the table.

SJ gives my pinky one last squeeze before letting it go and placing his hand back in his lap. I instantly miss the connection and warmth.

The front door slams closed, drawing everyone’s attention to the open space between the living room and dining room.

“Heya, SJ! My favorite big bro has finally graced us with his presence!” A beautiful bouncy teenage girl comes into the dining room and immediately wraps her arms around SJ’s neck. She’s the spitting image of Camilla, and the affection in SJ’s gaze warms my heart.

“Figures you would show up halfway through dinner, and I’m your only big bro,” SJ teases with only adoration in his tone.

“Better late than never. Right?” the girl replies.

“Sam, go fix a plate and join us. And leave your brother alone,” Camilla says.

“It’s not any fun if I can’t poke at him, Mom! He knows how long it’s been since he’s been home,” Sam adds as she walks into the kitchen.

“Nora, don’t mind her. The two of them tease each other relentlessly. We know how busy he is with work, and we’re grateful the two of you could work this out so SJ could come home.”

“She’s a brat, and she knows it,” SJ says under his breath.

Laughing, I respond to Camilla. “It doesn’t bother me. I’m an only child, and I find the inner workings of siblings fascinating. I always wished I had a brother or sister to tease.”

“Well, I volunteer Sam as tribute. You can have her,” SJ says just as his kid sister walks back into the dining room with a plate full of pot roast, mashed potatoes, and carrots.

“Are you already trying to get rid of me again? I thought we were past all that.” Sam tries to seem affronted.

“We’ll never be past that stage. They don’t even have to be the highest bidder. Just the first will do,” SJ teases as he forks more of his pot roast. He gives her an exaggerated grin before he pops the bite into his mouth.

He’s already on his second helping, and I can’t say I blame the guy. I’ve been trying to decide if a second serving would come across as rude or flattering. The pot roast is delicious.

“Since both of my children seemed to have misplaced their manners, I’ll do it for them,” Charles says. “Nora, this is Samantha, our youngest and only daughter. Sam, this is Nora, SJ’s friend.”

Charles introduces me as a friend instead of a client, and I’m immediately grateful to him for it. Client feels too impersonal, too sterile. Friend is safe and platonic and not a girlfriend.

“Sorry, Nora,” SJ says as he leans down to whisper the next part not so quietly. “He left out how much of a pest she is.”

I giggle because Sam seems more smitten than bothered by SJ’s comment. “It’s very nice to meet you, Sam.”

She gives me a smile that’s just as pretty as her mother’s. “Welcome to Sutter Creek, birthplace of the giant at the top of Jack’s beanstalk over there.” She points at her brother with her fork. “How long are you staying?”

I snort, biting down on both my lips to keep from outright laughing. The girl has sass, and I love it. No wonder why SJ finds me so amusing sometimes. Plus, she’s a girl who doesn’t beat around the bush, another thing that I can respect.

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