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When she left the bar without telling me, I thought something terrible had happened to her. That’s when my feelings for her became painfully real to me. It’s when I realized I don’t think I could survive if something happened to her, and that’s a sobering fucking thought.

My job has always been at the forefront of my mind, and my life decisions were based on how those decisions would affect my job. But when I couldn’t find Nora, none of that mattered. Damn this job. I want her to be safe. My immediate concern was to stop at nothing until I found her, and I had her back in my arms.

“Want to talk about it?” My dad’s deep voice pulls me from my thoughts. I don’t know how long he’s been standing here, and his approach startles me.

“Huh?” I play dumb, because no, I don’t want to talk about it. I can’t talk about it.

“You looked pretty deep in thought. Talking about it might help you work it out. Maybe it’ll bring the right decision to light.” Dad has always seen right through me. He likely knows exactly what I’m struggling with and thinks he knows just what to do. Truth be told, he’s probably right, too.

“I’m good, Dad; no worries,” I tell him simply. I check my watch and, look at that, it’s a few minutes past closing time.

“I’ll go lock the front door,” I say, turning to walk to the front of the store.

“I’m not worried. The son I raised usually does the right thing…even if he takes the long way around sometimes.”

I don’t turn around, but his words cause a small smile to pull at my lips. Dad has always seen the best in me, even at the worst times.

When I left Sutter Creek, he didn’t like it, but he supported me regardless. I think he always assumed growing up that I would stay and help run the hardware store. That isn’t what I wanted for my life. I wanted more. I wanted to explore and find a place for myself outside of this small town.

Being here with my family and Nora this time… It feels different. I don’t know if it’s just my feelings for Nora and wanting to keep her safe, or if it’s because I haven’t been able to spend this much time with my family in years…but Sutter Creek doesn’t seem so bad, anymore.

I twist the lock on the door and turn the sign to Closed. Then I give the door a tug to make sure it’s secure before heading back into the office in the back. Hopefully, Nora is ready to leave, and we can work on getting back to normal. It’s only been a few days, but damn, do I miss our easy conversations.

When I get close to the office, I hear Nora’s voice. “I know, Mom. I miss you, too… I’m not sure… I want to see you, too…” She’s on the phone, so I can only hear one side of the conversation.

I don’t want to eavesdrop, so I push open the door and walk into the small office so she can see me. Nora is sitting at my mom’s desk. She glances at me momentarily then looks away almost as quickly. My heart plummets, like it does every time she avoids eye contact.

I sigh and take a seat on the chair across from the desk. I’m unsure where my parents have gone. They usually sit together and go over receipts and paperwork after closing, but they’re nowhere to be seen right now.

“Okay, Mom. I’ll let you know… I love you, too… Okay, bye.” She ends the call.

“Is everything okay?” I ask.

It seems like it’s been some time since she’s talked to her mom. I’m sure her parents are worried, and I instantly feel bad that we haven’t spoken about her seeing them sooner.

“Yeah, she just misses me, and I miss her, too. She asked if I could come for a visit since I’m not dancing right now, and it would be a good time for it.”

She twists the ring on her finger as she does every time she gets nervous, but I’m unsure why she feels that way right now.

“I can’t really leave right now. My parents still need help running this place. Dad is here every day, but he’s unable to do everything that needs to be done daily.”

I feel guilty even saying it. She’s right. The timing is perfect for her to see her family. I just don’t see how I could make it work on my end.

“I think I’d be okay on my own. It’s just my parents’ house. Everything has been quiet. No sightings from David since we left Washington.”

I recoil at the suggestion of her going alone. My entire body tightens with unease. Things have indeed been quiet since Washington, but that doesn’t mean we should let our guard down. It means the exact opposite.

We need to be more vigilant. He still hasn’t gone back to his apartment after Liam and Colin searched it. He’s on the run, and that means he’s probably getting desperate. I haven’t said this out loud to Nora because I don’t want to freak her out. After the other night and this conversation, it’s obvious we need to talk about it.

“That’s not a good idea, Nora. I’m not telling you what to do, but you shouldn’t go alone.”

“Is anyone else from Dunn available for a few days? Maybe just a long weekend?”

She twirls that ring on her finger like her life depends on it, and my stomach tightens. I hate that she’s anxious, and I hate it even more that I don’t know the reason behind it. Is it me? Or is it the idea of leaving without me? I hope like hell it’s the latter.

I don’t like that idea either. I want to protect her. I blow out my breath, scrub my hands over my face, and scramble to come up with an idea that allows her to see her parents and lets me stay here and help mine.

“What if they come here to Sutter Creek?” I ask suddenly. The wheels already turn in my head on the logistics. This is the best solution for everyone. She gets to visit with her family, and I can still be with her to ensure her safety and help my family.
