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I grab it in my hand and bring it down to her lap. “Damn straight,” I practically growl before realizing I’m holding her hand. I give it one more soft squeeze before releasing it and putting my hands safely back in my own lap.

Dad clears his throat. “How long do you plan to stay in Sutter Creek?”

I’m as thankful as everyone else for the question breaking the tension and my flounder just seconds ago.

“Just a few days, but we hope to be able to visit again soon,” Marie answers.

We finish dinner without any more uncomfortable conversations.

“That was delicious. You were spot on with all the dinner choices, Charles,” Marie pays him a compliment, and Walt claps my dad on the back.

Looks like they’ve become quick friends. Part of me is relieved, but the other part of me is concerned about what this means for Nora and me.

I help Nora up from her seat, though she barely needs it. I heard the worry in her voice about being unable to perform, but I’m not worried. I know she’s almost ready, even if she feels like she isn’t. When she’s finally able to get back out there, I know she’ll do what it takes to catch up because that’s Nora. That’s my cupcake.

She gives everything her all. Every single time. It’s one of the things I love about her.

Holy shit. Did I just use the word love?

My head spins as we head toward the exit.

I think I just fully admitted to myself that I’m in love with my client…

Chapter 30


“SJ,” my name is barely a whisper from Nora’s lips.

I look into her beautiful caramel eyes, but instead of finding them on me, I find them fixed on something outside of the restaurant. I follow her gaze and feel my blood pressure rise when I see an all too familiar calling card.

Fucking David Miller.

There, resting at the base of the SUV’s windshield we drove here in with Walt and Marie, is a bouquet. The wind blows gently, making a few petals blow off the dead roses into the parking lot.

My heart pounds in my chest. He’s here!

“Everyone, wait here!” I roar as I push the door of the small restaurant open and rush out onto the sidewalk.

I look left then right. There isn’t a soul in sight. I take long strides toward the SUV, sure to keep my wits about me, but I’m fucking pissed! This son of a bitch was here, may still be here, while we had dinner with our families.

I quickly check around the vehicle to be sure he isn’t hiding behind or under it.

“Come out, you fucking coward! Face me like a man! If you want her, you’ll have to fucking kill me first!” My voice booms, echoing around me, but all I’m met with is silence.

My rage is blinding me. He cannot have her. He will not fucking have her.

I grab the dead flowers from the windshield and find a note sticking out. I grab it and throw the flowers to the ground before stomping on them and holding them on the dirty concrete, where they belong.

I pull my phone from my pocket and press Liam’s name. It only has to ring once before he picks up.


“He’s been watching you. He saw you leave with his cat. You took his cat?” If I weren’t so angry, I’d laugh.

He scoffs, and I hear the frustrated amusement in it. “We couldn’t leave the cat. She would’ve died. It’s bad enough to be a psychotic stalker, but he’s also an irresponsible pet owner,” Liam says without hesitation.

“He left dead fucking flowers on the SUV we drove to dinner. Both of our families are here. He got way too fucking close to every last person I give a fuck about, Liam. This has to end. Now!” I growl into the phone. I’ve never been so enraged in my life.
