Page 15 of Nerdy Boy

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“Alright, spill the beans, my man,” Shelby said as she barged into my room. I blinked up at her in surprise. Dad must have let her in, but I didn’t hear a knock on the front door or the doorbell. I must have really been lost inside my head. I glanced down at my homework with a grimace. None of it had been done—definitely lost in my head.

“Earth to Spence,” she said, waving her hand in front of my face.

“Sorry,” I mumbled, pushing my textbook and notebook aside. “Today has been…” I chewed on my bottom lip, “weird,” I finally settled on. “This whole damn week has been.”

Concern washed over her face, and she sank onto my mattress next to me. “Tell me what’s going on. This has something to do with Logan, doesn’t it?”

“And Ezra,” I confessed. Her eyes widened in shock. “Yes, I know, they hate each other. But that’s what’s even weirder. You know they had that fight on Monday, right?” She nodded. I groaned. “They were fighting over me like two fucking animals.”

She snorted. “Most people would kill for that kind of attention.”

I shook my head. “Not me. I don’t like it. I’m not a piece of meat to be fought over. I’m not some lioness or something who needs to see which male will make the best mate.” She giggled at my analogy, and I gently shoved her. “But yesterday morning, Logan dragged me into the janitor’s closet, and he, um…”

“Oh, my God,” Shelby whisper-yelled. “Did he really get you off?”

My eyes widened. “How did you know?” I groaned and dropped my face into my hands. “Oh, no. Does everyone at school know?”

“God, no,” she said, wrapping her arms around me. “It was just written all over your face just now, Spence. That’s all. Your secret is still safe, I promise.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. “Well, that’s not even the weirdest thing,” I said. She cut me a side-eye. “Not that I assume jacking a guy off on school premises is something new for Logan.” He’d done that way too easily for it to be something new for him. Shelby snickered. “I just—he agreed to call a truce with Ezra when it came to me. He didn’t agree to stop hating him, but he did say he wouldn’t fight Ezra over me anymore.”

“Holy shit,” Shelby whispered, her eyes wide. “They fight over everything, Spencer. You really believe he’s going to do that?”

I swallowed thickly and nodded. “I don’t know why, but Logan has latched on to me,” I told her. I didn’t say out loud how much I liked it. “He looked miserable at the thought of never being with me.” I lifted my hands but then dropped them back to my lap, frowning at the wall across from me. “I thought it was a fluke, too. That he was just lying to get what he wanted, but Ezra saw me tutoring Logan, and he stormed into the library, looking like he was ready to rip Logan out of his chair, but then he just…didn’t. And Logan didn’t do anything. Just put his arm around my shoulder and whispered in my ear to remind me to breathe, that I wasn’t doing anything wrong.”

Shelby sighed, looking all swoony. “Who knew Logan could be such a sweetheart?” she gushed.

I laughed because yeah… I hadn’t thought he could be either. But when he wasn’t being aggressive with how much he wanted me, he was achingly sweet. And I loved it.

“Well, that’s not even the most confusing thing,” I confessed. “Ezra just…sat with us today while I was tutoring Logan. Like it was normal. And when Logan kissed me goodbye—right in front of him, might I add—he didn’t even bat an eye. Just looked…weirdly content.”

Shelby’s eyes couldn’t get any wider. “And then what happened?”

I roughly cleared my throat, a blush staining my cheeks. “Ezra agreed that I should date both him and Logan.” Shelby choked. “Basically agreeing to a truce for my sake. And then, he dragged me to the encyclopedia area and,” I dropped my voice so low, Shelby had to lean in to hear me, “got both of us off.”

“Oh, my God!” Shelby yelled. I smacked her arm and covered my ear that was closest to her, glaring at her. “You’re dating two guys at once?! Oh, you little vixen!”

“Hush!” I snapped at her. “I don’t want—oh, hi, Dad,” I mumbled, looking toward the doorway. Too late—he’d heard. It was clear by his facial expression. He looked a bit alarmed, but his expression and body language settled when he realized we were okay. A smirk curved my lips when I eyed the wooden spoon clenched in his hand. “Just what was your goal with that spoon?” I laughed.

He shrugged. “I would’ve figured something out. Dinner is ready, by the way.” With that, he spun around on his heel, heading back down the hallway. I groaned, glaring at my best friend.

“He definitely heard you,” I muttered. “You’re the worst.”

Shelby shrugged. “And obviously, he doesn’t care that his son is getting dick from two freakishly hot guys.” She slid off my bed while I gaped at her. “Let’s go eat our body weight in shrimp alfredo because it smells heavenly, and then, we’ll watch movies and paint our nails and you can tell me who has the bigger dick between Logan and Ezra.”

“What the fuck,” I groaned, glaring at her back. I hadn’t even seen Ezra’s cock yet… though it had felt pretty damn big in those sweats.

Her laughter trailed behind her as she walked down the hall.




I looked up into the mirror when the door behind me opened, and I grunted at the sight of Logan stepping in. He was dressed in tight skinny jeans that hugged his ass perfectly and outlined the shape of his dick—fuck me, why the hell was I suddenly taking notice of that? He had on a hoodie, but instead of the hood being up, his dark waves were covered by a beanie, just the tips of his hair sticking out to curl over the ends.

He stopped and stared at me for a moment, his tattooed hands twitching at his sides before he continued to the urinals. Clenching my jaw, wondering what the fuck was going to happen since we usually couldn’t be in the same room without starting shit with each other, I quickly finished washing my hands. I was drying them when he came to the sink to wash his.
