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"You've saved Chance and my life several times tonight." I shrug.

"I've also tried to kill you several times," Vitto answers back.

"That means we're even, if I let you die just because you're being an idiot it'll be on my head. I don't think I can live with that sort of thing. Let me help you, Vitto. You already know that I can't go anywhere, where's the danger?"

"You'd see me bleed. No one who sees me bleed lives." He answers and even though I'm sure he meant for it to sound superficial and a bit threatening but to me, it sounds even deeper than that.

He's always had to be perfect.

The perfect killer has to be vulnerable in order for me to help him.

I think I prefer him a little vulnerable more than the cold monster that I've seen so far.



Note to self - Traveling with an eight-month old baby is never a good thing.

"We can't keep walking much longer. He's not going to tolerate it anymore." I pant as I try to keep up with Vitto who is walking about three paces ahead of me.

"We don't have much of a choice. I can't go back to get my rental and you don't have a car of your own."

When I turn around I see him back peddling looking in the opposite direction. He turns back around and catches me staring at him.

"What were you doing?"

"Just checking behind us, the extra noise makes it hard for me to make sure that no one is following us." He speaks but not in an annoyed way.

"The baby is being too loud," I add.

"The baby is being a baby. It's not his fault that we're in the shit we're in." He shrugs and continues to walk.

"Who's fault is it anyway? Why are you doing this?" I'm not a hundred percent sure I want to know.

"You got a price on your head." he said as if it were the simplest thing in the world.

"But why? Is this all because of what I saw a couple of years ago? Why kill me when it's obvious I've got no intention of doing anything with the information?" When it first happened and I was hanging out with the druggies and low lives of my past I knew that people were trying to get rid of me. Knew that I'd made the wrong choice by trying to go to the cops with the information I had. But that was years ago now. I've been way off the grid and no one had ever bothered to look for me before at least I didn't think anyone had been. Yet now all of a sudden there are three hitmen at my door. It just didn't make sense to me.

"I added more money to your contract," Vitto responded and continued walking.

The admission had me stopping in my tracks. I placed a hand against Chance's back and stare at Vitto's. Did he just say that he added more money to my contract? Like he's the reason more killers are suddenly interested in me again?

"You sent all these people to kill me?" My voice is barely a whisper.

He turns, his eyebrows furrowing in when he sees that I'm no longer walking, "No, I sent these people to find you. I was going to kill you before any of them ever got a chance."

"But why? What have I ever done to you? Why is taking my life so important that you'd do all this for some little woman?" I stomp closer to him.

"It's important because you're my only failure. I don't fail. Failure would mean weakness and I can't afford to have any of those. It's just the way of my life." His voice is so calm like what he's saying is the most normal thing in the world.

"Really?" I scoff, "So what am I now? If all you plan to do with me is kill me then why haven't you done it?" My voice is louder than it should be.

"I'm not going to kill you, now I'm going to keep you. Everything has changed now." He says.

"And what if I don't want to stay with you?" with a bit of defiance I lift my chin.

"I never said I was giving you the option." His crazed eyes bore into mine before he motions with his hand that I should continue walking in front of him. If I had any doubt about him being the villain of my story before, I knew for sure now.
