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"How? What were you doing there?"

Christine rolls her eyes and stares at me like I'm the dumbest person she'd ever met.

“Do you really think that I'd leave the future of our family in your hands? Vitto it's only recently you've shown any promise and it's because a woman magically entered into your life. Destroying the Isley family needed to happen if the Bianucci's are ever going to take it all over. I'd been trying to get Babbo to go after them for years but only now did he see the opportunity. There was no way that I was going to let anything stop us from winning that fight. Sorry to disappoint you, little brother. I wasn't there out of some familial duty to save you. My mission was much bigger than that."

If this breathing tube wasn't shoved down my throat I'd have gasped. How fucking cold-hearted can she be.

I've always known that she was ruthless but I never would have thought that she'd be so cold to her own family. Or maybe she's not. I squint my eyes and look at her demeanor. Something is still off with this. If she wanted all the credit for taking the Isley family out there's no reason for my father to leave Stella alive. He would have chalked it up as another failure.

My sister is evil, there's no doubt about that but I've always known there was a small chink in her armor when it comes to her siblings. Taking care to choose the right words, I write my response on the pad, "Regardless of why or how the task has been completed, I'm happy that it's over. As long as Stella and Chance are allowed to be in my life I don't care about any other family. Only my own."

"She'll never be one of us, you do realize that." Christine stares daggers at me.

"I don't want her to be one of us. She's better than we could ever be."

She smirks at me once and leans back in the chair. The conversation is over. "Get some rest. I'm sure you want to look your best to see your woman tomorrow.


I'll finally be with Stella and Chance tomorrow and there's nothing my father can say about it. That might be one hurdle down but I know there's an even bigger one that we need to worry about.

There's still a price on Stella's head and I'm in no position to protect her. I have to find a way to get this hit off her but I can't. The only way to get rid of the hit is to kill her.



"You can't keep me here!" I yelled at Diego and tried once again to get out the door.

It's been more than a week since I've seen or heard from Vitto and no one will tell me what is going on. I'm tired of being kept in the dark. I'm tired of not knowing. All I want is to be back in Vitto's arms.

"Stella, what part of you can't go outside do you not understand? How the hell do you expect me to explain to my brother that I let you get shot because you decided to wander off? I'm keeping the two of you here for your safety, there's nothing that you can do to change my mind. Until either he or my father tells me to let you out you're not walking out of that door." Diego crosses his arms in front of him and stands in front of the door like a guard.

My shoulders slump forward and I squeeze my eyes shut. I'm not going to be able to go through him but if he thinks this is the last time I say anything about what is going on here he's out of his mind.

I'm going to find a way to get out of here. One way or another, I have to find a way to get to Vitto. Except with no one to help me, it feels like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.

I know I have to stay safe for Chance and for myself but does that mean I'm going to have to be a prisoner in a sex club in order to do it?

* * *

Five hours after my escape attempt I'm still pacing in the large apartment hidden in the middle of the sex club. I can feel the bass of the music through the sole of my feet so I know that Diego is taking care of business.

The first day that he brought me here he made sure to tell me not to come out while the club was open but this may be the only time that I can be sure that he's far enough away to give me a chance to make it out. This is the opening that I need.

He's bought Chance and me quite a few things to make us comfortable here but I don't need any of it. As long as Chance has diapers and food I can manage.

I quickly open up the door just to check and make sure Diego isn't keeping guard or anything like that. I don't see anyone besides the occasional partygoer walking around. A burst of excitement flutters in my gut and I dash back into the room where Chance is. He's been holding onto the bed and walking around. He's resilient and even though we've been through so much in the past few weeks it doesn't seem like anything is fazing him. He's just as happy as can be.

I'm grateful for the little miracles.

Right now I need to keep him in a good mood because the minute someone hears a baby crying Diego is going to be notified. He's got a strict no-child rule here.

Doing my best to keep the mood light I grab hold of Chance and secure him in the carrier with his face toward my chest. Not like he'll remember anything but I really don't want him seeing what's going on around him as I run for freedom.

"Shh, baby, we're just going on a little trip," I whisper and grab my sweater to layer over the both of us. I don't have any money. I don't have a weapon. I've got nothing but a prayer that everything will be okay the minute I step outside.

If Vitto found me once, I'm sure he can find us again.
