Page 36 of Endless Hope

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“I want that to be true.” If so, I’d be with Talon, and we’d be growing our family. I waited for the familiar pang of pain, but it didn’t come. Maybe I was truly healing.

“It is true. You just have to believe. Talon’s success could be yours. Although I’d say he’s held himself back a bit. But at the same time, he’s set up strong boundaries. He knows he needs the creative space to do his best work. He knows himself. If he was always working under a strict guideline for his work, it wouldn’t be as good. He’s protecting his health and his brand by setting up those rules.”

“That makes sense.”

“If there’s anything you don’t want to do, or you feel like it would stifle your creativity, let me know. You’re guiding this. I’m just along to help.”

“I didn’t even know I wanted to go in this direction until you showed me the possibility.”

She held her hands up wide. “That’s my job. To show you what’s possible.”

“You must enjoy motivating others.”

Marley grimaced. “It’s nice, but sometimes they don’t listen. That can be frustrating. That’s why I know one-on-one coaching isn’t for me. When I’m on a call with someone, it can be draining listening to their excuses and problems. But when I’m spending time with someone who’s open to the ideas, ready and willing to do whatever it takes, it’s energizing.”

“I hope I’m the latter.”

“You’re somewhere in the middle. I think you’d be happy doing what you’re doing, but you’re excited about these possibilities you hadn’t considered before.”

“Thank you for taking the time. I’ve never had anyone give me advice on the business before.” My mom didn’t have any experience with it.

“Of course. Next week, I’m adding a new module, and I think the tree as a backdrop will be perfect.”

“I think so, too.” My heart was racing in my chest. I couldn’t believe that Marley was doing this for me, and it wasn’t just because we were friends. She believed in me.

I think I’d lost some of my confidence when I lost the baby and then pushed Talon away. I didn’t show up in the same way I had before. I hid my talents, afraid to make any waves. But Marley was pushing me, telling me it was okay to shine, and I wanted to believe her. I wanted to think that nothing bad would happen.

“Do you have enough in stock at your place, or will you need to make some more?”

“It’ll take me a day to get it done. Is that okay?”

“That’s perfect. I’m going to need another live tree. I’m concerned that Heath’s going to limit the number of trees I can cut down next year.”

“I don’t think Heath would ever say no to you.” It was clear that he loved her and wanted to give her everything.

Marley flashed me a smile. “I don’t know. We have one on every level of the inn, and I’d love to put one in every room.”

“That would be amazing. But that’s a lot of trees.”

Marley bumped shoulders with me. “You think they’d be okay if I got them from another farm?”

I laughed. “No.”

“I want to start a field on my property so that we could cut from there. But do you know how long it takes to have a full-grown tree? Or at least one that’s ten feet?”

“Years?” I guessed.

“A Fraser fir is seven to ten years. It’s the slowest grower.”

“I’m surprised you know so much about the growth of the trees.” I’d heard the guys talking about it from time to time, but I didn’t pay attention.

“Heath took me along when they tagged the trees before the farm opened for the season. Between him, Emmett, and Knox, I know everything there is to know about it.”

“Maybe you can tell me the differences, and I could incorporate that into my designs.”

“I’d be happy to. Or you could get one of the guys to take you through the fields and point them out to you. They have different hues and textures. It helps to see them firsthand.”

“That’s a great idea.” I wondered if Talon knew enough about the differences that he could show me. Since when did I go from avoiding Talon entirely to seeking him out?
