Page 53 of Endless Hope

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My stomach twisted. I knew my brothers would have an opinion about what was going on between me and Holly, but I’d hoped we’d have more time. “We’re spending time together.”

“You’re doing a whole hell of a lot more than that.” Emmett’s tone was hard.

“I’m a big boy. It’s not any of your business.” I moved behind my table, wanting to disappear into my work but knowing that Emmett couldn’t be ignored. “I appreciated everything you did for me when we were growing up. You looked after me and gave me advice. But I’m an adult, and I don’t need your opinion on my relationship with Holly.”

Ever since my father passed away, and even before that, Emmett was the protector of the family. I was content to let Knox and Emmett take over that role with our brothers. I just wanted to create.

Emmett’s expression was hard. “You don’t remember how she broke up with you last time? You didn’t even get an explanation.”

My chest tightened. “I did.”

Emmett crossed his arms over his chest. “What are you talking about?”

I let out a breath. “I knew why she felt like she needed to pull away. It was something personal between me and her, and I promised not to reveal her secret.”

Emmett braced his hands on the table. “Did she cheat on you? Why would you protect her for that?”

I shook my head. “It was nothing like that. We never fell out of love. At least not then.”

Emmett gave me an exasperated look. “Then what could it be? Tell me because I can’t imagine why you’d spend any time with her outside of work.”

I sighed, contemplating whether Holly would be upset with me now. I sensed she was working up to confessing everything to my family, but I wasn’t sure she was there yet. “Listen, this is between me and you. I promised Holly I wouldn’t talk about it until she was ready.”

He straightened, crossing his arms over his chest. “You have my word.”

“She was pregnant.”

Emmett released his arms to his side. “I don’t understand—”

“She lost the baby.” It was something I’d never said out loud to anyone else, and it felt good to confide in someone.

Emmett sucked in a breath. “I had no idea.”

I shook my head. “No one did. She was so wrapped up in her pain, she wouldn’t let me be there for her. She blamed herself.”

Emmett’s face screwed up. “Even I know she’s not at fault for something like that.”

“She wouldn’t hear it back then. She closed in on herself, wouldn’t let anyone in, and lost herself in grief. I couldn’t be there for her.” The familiar pain tore through my chest. “She cut me out.”

Emmett tipped his head to the side. “You were so young when that happened.”

I nodded. “We were adults but maturity-wise, barely more than kids.”

“We would have helped you,” Emmett said, and I knew he was including our family with that sentiment.

“I know you would have, and it killed me not to share that with you and Mom, but I couldn’t betray Holly.”

“And now what?” Emmett asked, and this time, his voice was a little softer.

“I bid on her so we could finally talk things through. I figured she couldn’t avoid me if I paid ten grand for her. Then I wanted to spend more time with her. It felt good. I thought it was a chance for us to heal.”

Emmett raised a brow. “Then you slept together.”

I braced my hands on the table in front of me, every muscle tensed. “Frankly, it’s none of your business. But I realized I couldn’t move on from her. She’s it for me.”

His brow furrowed. “Aren’t you worried she’ll shut you out again?”

I hung my head. “I’m terrified. But I have to try. I’ve always regretted not doing more back then.”
