Page 55 of Endless Hope

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I parked my truck next to my brothers’ and got out, worried that this was an intervention. Over the years, my family encouraged me to speak to Holly, to get closure, but no one expected us to date. I couldn’t say I blamed them. I’d been closed off to the idea of even talking to her these last few years.

Inside, laughter and the din of conversation came from the kitchen where we always gathered. Mom had set out appetizers on the island while she finished cooking.

I reached for cheese and crackers, but Mom smacked my hand. “Ouch. What was that for?”

“We’re eating dinner in a minute.”

“Then why put out appetizers?” I asked, genuinely confused.

Mom gave me a look. “Those were for the people who came early and helped.”

Knox shot me a triumphant smile from across the counter.

I’d been absent for most of these get-togethers since Dad died. I used the excuse that I was working, but the reality was that it hurt to be in this house, knowing that Dad wasn’t going to walk into the room at any minute.

I hated our new reality. That it was just Mom living here. If I stayed at my house, I could pretend that nothing had changed. But I never shared those thoughts with my brothers. They worried about me enough.

“How are you?” Ireland sidled up next to me.

I lowered my voice. “Are you talking about my encounter with your husband earlier?”

She flashed me an apologetic smile. “I didn’t know he was there.”

“It’s rare for Emmett to visit now that he’s with you.” Ever since he was snowed in with Ireland, and then married her a few weeks later, that job had seemingly been passed down to Knox, then Heath.

Ireland snagged a slice of apple when my mom leaned down to talk to Addy. “Are you okay?”

I shook my head at her sneaky move. “Are you asking if I survived your husband’s grumpiness?”

Ireland laughed. “Something like that. I know he can be a lot.”

I sobered. “He’s not like that with you.”

Ireland shook her head. “He can be. But I have a way of softening him.”

“I don’t need to hear about that,” I said as I took the beer Knox offered me from the fridge.

Ireland placed her hand over her chest. “Seriously, I’m here if you need to talk about whatever’s going on between you and Holly.”

I didn’t want to have this conversation twenty different times, so I took a step back from the counter and raised my bottle. “Listen up.”

Everyone quieted and looked at me, their expressions a mix of surprise and curiosity. I rarely contributed anything to our meetings. “I don’t want to have this conversation with each of you individually. I’m sure you’re aware that Emmett saw Holly in my workshop today.”

Sarah’s eyes widened. “Actually, I didn’t know that.”

“The grapevine is broken then, because I’m sure most of you knew, or you would have by the end of the night. I helped Holly purchase a used kiln to blow glass ornaments. She’s working on a project with Marley that could be huge for her. I had the hook-ups and space she needed, so I offered to help. No matter what has happened between us, I’ll always care for and respect her, and I ask you to do the same.”

The room was quiet for a few seconds, then Knox stepped forward. “Are we going to talk about the elephant in the room?”

“What’s that?” I asked, even as my stomach knotted.

Heath threw an arm around Marley’s shoulders, his lips lifting into a grin. “You bid ten grand to go on a date with your ex.”

Everyone’s attention was on me, and I felt the pressure. I didn’t want to break Holly’s confidence, but I wanted to give them something. “We’ve been spending time together. At first, it was to get the closure that both of us needed. But we realized that not much has changed over the years. We still love and respect each other.” When it looked like a few of them had questions, I raised a hand to silence them. “I don’t know if it means we have a future together or that she even wants one.”

Heath’s face twisted. “How long are you going to let her string you along?”

I exchanged a look with Heath. “She’s not stringing me along. There was more to our breakup than you know about. I didn’t share it with you because Holly asked me not to.”
