Page 65 of Endless Hope

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“Could we do it here? The light is so much better, and the space is great.”

“Of course. You want to head to your place and grab everything you need?”

Holly nodded, her attention on the kiln. “I’m going to try and make a few more before I eat.”

“I’ll get lunch together,” I said, letting her go to head inside.

I put together sandwiches and wrapped them so we could eat on the go. When I returned to the workshop, she had three more icicles formed.

“You want to take those to Marley?”

“Do you mind stopping?” Holly asked.

“Of course not.”

We cleaned up the workshop and then headed to Marley’s with our sandwiches on the seat between us. I could see many days like this one, spending time together while we worked and supporting each other.

I already had some ideas that could combine her love of glass and my fixtures. I didn’t want to tell her until the idea was more formed in my head.

At Marley’s, I grabbed the sandwiches while Holly hugged the icicles to her chest. On the porch, Holly hesitated at the door. “Do you think she’ll like them?”

“She’s going to love them,” I said as I opened the door.

Marley stood behind the counter, helping a couple check in.

“Can you tell me about the ornaments on this tree?” the woman asked, moving toward it and lifting the one with the inn painted on the side.

Marley moved from behind the counter. “A local artist painted those.”

“These are hand-painted?” the woman asked.

“That’s right, and there’s our artist now,” Marley said as she crossed the foyer and placed an arm around Holly, ushering her forward to introduce her to the guest.

“You’re the one who painted all these ornaments?” the woman asked.

“That’s right,” Holly said.

“And what do you have there in your hands?” the woman asked.

Holly lifted an icicle so it caught the light of the front window. “These are something new I just made. They catch the light so nicely.”

“Those are beautiful. Are they for sale?”

Holly nodded toward Marley. “That’s up to Marley. I was bringing them to show her.”

“Let’s hang them on the tree and see how they look,” Marley said, moving behind the counter to grab a few hooks. Between the three of us, we had the four icicles on the tree.

Marley pursed her lips as she looked at the effect on the tree. “We need more.”

I could tell by the surprised expression on Holly’s face she was expecting her to say they weren’t quite right for the design of the space, or that they looked amateur. She wasn’t anticipating Marley to ask her to make more. “Are you serious?”

Marley held up her hands in front of the tree. “The icicles need to cover all the free space. It adds a nice dimension to the tree.”

Holly stood taller as she nodded. “I think so, too.”

“Are you planning to make more? I’d love to get a dozen for my tree at home,” the woman said.

Marley moved to the counter to look at the computer. “When are you checking out?”
