Page 55 of Merciless King

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This is it, Scarlet. This is the moment you have to decide, stay or go.



I turn around as I hear the shower door open and watch with hooded eyes as Scarlet steps into the shower in all her naked glory. I have never seen anything more beautiful than her right now. My eyes wander over her breasts that are much bigger than I had remembered them. So full and plump, her nipples peaked and darkened. The site of her bare stomach, so round with my child, has my cock hardening in an instant.

Her hazel eyes sparkle with desire and need as her hand reaches out and touches my arm. I don’t move as her fingers trace the outline of the cross tattoo on my arm. Every stroke of her finger across my skin sends ripples of heat through my body.

“Mind if I join you?” she asks seductively, licking the bottom of her lip.

I pull her towards me with greedy eyes. A moan escapes from deep inside her throat as I claim her lips on mine. I kiss her hard, my hunger and desire for her taking charge. Her hands come to my shoulders, smoothing them down the length of my arms before digging her nails into my flesh as she kisses me back with the same fever.

The connection between us is so much more than just physical. When I kiss her, touch her, look at her, I feel her deep inside my soul. Like she was always meant to be a part of me. Like my whole life was just a mere existence until I found her. Now she is the very reason I live and breathe.

Taking the shower gel, she squeezes a generous amount on the palm of her hand then starts to rub it over my chest. The silkiness of her fingers feels like heaven as she swirls the liquid soap over my torso, trailing them down, down, down. Pulses of electric heat surge through my body as she takes my hard and heavy cock into her hands and begins to pump it.

Magic hands of the glorious goddess work me into a sweat and to the edge of explosion. I want nothing more than to sink deep inside her sweet heat. I have to brace myself, resting my hand on the shower wall as her hands pump harder and faster. Water cascades over us, and the steam surrounds us like a thick fog. Fixating her eyes on me, she watches me, takes in all of me. I’m breathless, panting and groaning, my knees buckling a little, threatening to collapse. It feels so fucking good.

White ribbons of my pleasure coat her hand as I succumb to her labor. It mixes with the foaming suds and washes away under the hot stream of the shower. I want to ravish her, fuck her hard and fast, do all the dirty things I have dreamed of doing to her over the past seven months. Hell, who am I kidding? I have dreamed of it since I first laid eyes on the little redheaded devil. I know I can’t, though, not while she is so pregnant. But I swear, God, I swear I will one day have her all the ways I want. Today, however, I will be gentle.

Cupping her face in my hands, I kiss her with all the fire that burns inside of me. With all of the passion and promise I have longed to give. I squeeze her breasts, growling at the fullness of them in my hand. Taking her nipple into my mouth, I suck and bite gently. I want to claim every piece of her.

I turn Scarlet around, tossing aside the bottles of shampoo and soaps on the built-in shower bench. She bends over the best she is able to, resting her hands on the bench. I spread her thighs open with my knee, my hands holding the curve of her ass. She looks over her shoulder to me, inviting me in. Grabbing a handful of her hair, I tug her head back so I can kiss her pouty lips. The water flowing over us makes our skin slippery. Her tongue wraps around mine like an invisible thread holding me to her mouth. But the need to fill her is too much. I want to feel her sweet heat around my length.

I slide into her slowly from behind, letting out a long-ragged breath as her tight wet pussy accepts every inch of me. She moans softly while her back arches as I begin to rotate my hips, thrusting into her over and over. I’m fucking dizzy with delirium. She feels every bit of heaven and more. I am aware with every thrust that I need to keep my composure. I have to be gentle with her.

The last time we had sex, all those months ago, we created the life that now grows inside of her. Today, though, she is the one that is bringing me to life. I have been trapped inside my own head for so long. Her acceptance of me right now frees me of all that doubt, all that pain of wondering if she will ever be mine. She is mine, and now that I have her, all of her, I will never let her go.

I feel like I will lose myself in her if I don’t cum soon. The need and want is all there, but with all the breath in my lungs, I won’t surrender until she screams my name. Until her pussy contracts and pulses around me, and she is sated.

A few more thrusts, and I have her panting and moaning. She begins to meet me halfway as we rock into one another, harder and faster until I begin to feel her channel tighten around my cock. She screams out as every muscle in my body goes taut. Pleasure shoots from within as I burst and shatter inside her.

Slowly, and reluctantly, I pull out of her and help her straighten. Her arms wrap themselves around me, squeezing me tightly to her. It feels so strange, her pregnant stomach between us.

“I love you,” she whispers into my chest. “I love you, and I’m ready to go home.”



The last month has drifted by like a sweet dream. I have spent my days sunbathing in the beautiful Italian sun, eating the most delicious authentic Italian food, and getting to know Luca’s cousin Alessio and his wife Eden.

I was not given the doctor's clearance to fly back to America as my blood pressure was too high. He did, however, approve my short flight to Barcelona. From there, Luca drove us to his cousin's place in Naples, Italy.

The last time I was here, I was at Alessio and Eden’s wedding. An uninvited and unwelcome guest that exposed their most intimate day to the world. Even though Luca assured me that Alessio and Eden had forgiven me and moved on, I was very nervous and uncertain how they would receive me.

At first, Eden was a little standoffish, guarded, and quiet. Yet, as the weeks went by, she warmed and became someone I feel comfortable confiding in. She, too, has had issues with the Valsetti family, in particular Luca. He killed her brother Juna, but it is so much more complicated than that because she was the one that surrendered Juna over to him. I really feel for her and the position she was born into, but it gives me comfort knowing that she could find happiness and peace amongst the darkness of her world. She changed Alessio for the better, which gives me faith that my love can also change Luca.

Both Kastrati women, Sofia and Eden, were once enemies of the Valsettis, yet they are now loved and accepted within the family. That gives me hope that in time I will find my place with them too. However, Nicolai is definitely going to take some work.

The transformation I have witnessed in Luca in the past weeks is unbelievable. Once intimidating, broody, and cruel, I clearly see the man behind all that now. He has quite the sense of humor I have come to learn and is a generous and gentle lover. He treats me as though I am the most precious thing in his world. I am protected fiercely, loved passionately, and very well taken care of. I could not ask for anything more.

Luca tries so hard every day to be a better man, and it is sometimes difficult to watch, for I know he is struggling. We both know that some things will just take time. He was trained to be a soldier of the underworld his whole life. You can’t flick a switch and turn that off. He gets very jittery, never fully able to relax. His sleep is disturbed most nights, and he sure has his moody moments. But in saying that, with my pregnancy hormones wreaking havoc on me, I can be moody myself at times. All in all, he is doing really well, considering.

It is easy to forget while I am here all the troubles I have had in the past few years. Luca and I have had time to truly get to know one another away from the stress and pressure of home. Here in Italy, we have been able to start fresh. We talk about our future, share ideas about what Luca can contribute now to his family's business, and most importantly, we discuss what we want for our precious little baby.

As time ticks closer and closer to my due date, I have to admit, I am getting anxious. I can’t wait to meet my little pickle, but I am nervous about the birth and constantly pray for its safe arrival. I don’t know much about babies, to be honest, but I do know I want to be the best mom I possibly can be. I have read so many books on babies and birth over the past eight and half months, but something tells me nothing can prepare me more than just trusting and believing in myself that I can do it. And I know I can. With Luca by my side, I know I can do anything.
