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Chapter Twelve


AS SOON AS I STEP INTO the elevator, I can feel his presence behind me. A cold snap of air has the hairs on the back of my neck standing on edge.

“Morning, Father,” I say before turning around.


The elevator doors close, and I’m now trapped for the next few minutes alone with him.

“I had dinner last night with Max Sullivan?”

“Great. Good for you,” I reply sarcastically. I know what’s coming. He brings it up every time I’m alone with him. I’m fucking over it. My fists ball at my sides as I brace myself for yet another argument.

“Did you know Georgina is in Paris for the next two weeks?”

“I am aware, yes.”

He raises his brows. “I’m surprised to hear that, seeing Max informed me she hasn’t heard from you since the mayor's function.”

“I’ve been busy.”

“She’s not going to wait for you forever, you know, Roman.”

“So, I’m constantly told.” I rub my forehead with my hand, frustrated and annoyed.

“I just don’t understand why you have not asked her to marry you yet. She clearly adores you. It's the perfect arrangement.”

“The perfect arrangement for you and Max, more like it,” I snap.

My father turns to me, a deep frown creasing his face. “I don’t get you, Roman. I have worked so hard for you to have everything you could ever ask for. Yet you treat me as though I am your enemy. You throw the life I have given you in my face. Your mother and I sacrificed so much to give you a life others only dream of.”

“Don’t you dare bring Mom into this?” I step closer to him, the threat evident in my expression.

The elevator pings, and the doors open. “Saved by the bell.” I shake my head as I step past my father and out into the foyer. Life sometimes has impeccable timing. If I had stayed one second longer in that box with him, he might not have left it the same way he entered it.

June looks up at me from her desk and starts to speak but is quick to close her mouth when she sees the expression on my face, clearly deciding to leave me well alone. I slam my office door closed, striding over to my desk and slamming my hands onto it. Fuck, he infuriates me!

I pour myself into my work to distract the ill-fated thoughts of my father from my mind. A soft knock on my door brings my attention to Indie standing at the entrance.

“I see you’ve learned how to knock.” I raise my brows.

Indie doesn’t reply. She just stands at the doorway looking nervous.

“What?” I yell, shrugging my shoulders and hands. “What do you want?” My mood is still reeling thick from earlier this morning.

“Um, sorry to disturb you, Sir.” She pauses and then looks at her feet.

At first, I notice the dark circles under her eyes, second the file she is holding in her hand, and then thirdly the fact she is wearing the same goddamn clothes and shoes as yesterday.

“Where the fuck are the clothes I bought you? You wore that yesterday,” I growl.

She takes a cautious step into my office. “About that. I um...” Pausing, she straightens her spine and rounds her shoulders back, taking in a breath of confidence. “I can’t accept them.”

“I bought you those clothes, so I expect you to wear them.”

“It’s too much. I owe you enough money as it is.”
