Page 41 of Judge

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I pull Liam away by his arm.

“You’re fucking hurting me. Let go.”

“Sit the fuck down and stop embarrassing yourself!” I bark out in a low voice. He opens his mouth to say something back, so I glare at him. “Go home, see your children and freshen up, then come back to see Dad.”

Liam creases his brows. “I am not leaving!”

“I wasn’t asking.”

“You can’t make me leave.”

“You want to see me try?” I raise a suggestive brow at him. Liam is scared of me; always has been. He hides behind his daddy when he spits insults at me, but now, he doesn’t have that protection, and I see the fear in his eyes as he glares up at me.

Standing, he straightens his slacks with his palms, clearing his throat. “You’re right, I need to see the girls and shower, so I will be back in a couple of hours.” He doesn’t look at me as he walks away, slouching his shoulders, defeated.

Despite being told to go home, I am not going anywhere. Pulling out my phone, I message Indie, asking her to drop by my apartment and bring me my laptop and some fresh clothes to the waiting room at the hospital. I would have asked a dozen or so other people who work for me to do it, but I can’t afford my father’s ill health getting out and having the vultures come. That's what people do in this business; they kick you when you’re down. They wait for the perfect opportunity to sell you out and take over. I trust Indie, and I never trust anyone.

Within an hour, Indie walks into the waiting room. She looks so different, wearing jeans and an oversized T-shirt. Her hair is in a messy bun on top of her head, and her cheeks are flushed; from this, I can only assume she hurried here. It’s late Sunday morning, and when I texted her at nine am, I half expected a solid no. However, she simply replied, “Yes, Sir! with a soldier saluting emoji. There were no questions, no excuses, and no demands about being paid overtime for a weekend.

I smile at her wide-eyed worried expression as she scans the room, looking for me. Spotting me in the corner, she hurries over to me.

“What happened? Are you okay?” She inspects me head to toe as she places my laptop at my feet.

“My father had a heart attack early this morning; he just got out of surgery.”

Indie’s face softens. “Oh, I’m sorry. Is he going to be okay?”

I shrug. “I’m not too sure. I have not been able to see him.

Indie takes a seat next to me. “I’ll wait with you.”

“No. Go home.” My tone comes out harsher than intended. “I have my laptop, so I’ll get some work done. Go and enjoy the rest of your day off. Thank you for doing this for me.”

Indie stares at me; her sad eyes unreadable. “I’m not leaving you here on your own. I’ll go and grab us some coffee while you change your clothes and freshen up. Then you can work all you want.”

There are not too many people in this world that would stand up to me, or stand by me, for that matter. In which, Indie has just done both at the same time.

I sigh as she walks away, watching her ass sway dangerously in her tight jeans. What I wouldn’t give to smack that.

Three hours pass before Liam returns, and we are finally allowed to see my father. Indie stayed the entire time, sitting next to me reading her book on her phone as I worked away on my laptop. She didn’t speak. She didn’t interrupt. She just sat with me and brought me the occasional coffee and some snacks from the vending machine. She’s so in tune with me that she knew that I didn’t want to share my feelings. She knew I didn’t want to make small talk, that I only needed her presence. God, I needed it more than I care to admit. Indie has this calmness about her that makes you feel warm and accepted. I feel like I can breathe easier when she is near me, think clearer, and everything just feels less hectic.

“What is she doing here?” Liam points at Indie. “Jesus, Roman. Have you no tact at all bringing your whore to the hospital? You’re unbelievable.”

“Don’t you dare point at her like that!” I threaten as I stand, shoving my laptop on Indie's lap. “And if I ever hear you speak of my assistant in that disgusting manner again, you will be the one lying in that hospital bed.” I get closer and in his face. “Am I clear?”

Liam swallows. He’s all talk and no fucking balls. He knows I will beat his ass into next week if he isn’t careful. He takes a step back away from me.

“Now, apologize to Indie for your behavior.”

“Fuck off.” Liam mock laughs at me.

I grab him by the collar and drag his face to mine. “Apologize. Now!”

“Jesus, I’m sorry. Now, let go of me, you fucking psycho.”

“Woah, Roman. Calm down. It’s okay.” Indie places her hand on my shoulder, trying to stop me from beating the living shit out of my brother.

“Dad’s going to have your head if he finds out you brought her. You know that, right?”
