Page 8 of Hard Burn

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I walk through the hotel and find the guys inside the lobby restaurant. I make my way in, and push those old painful memories to the back of my mind. I don’t want the guys to think I’m off my game. Tomorrow is the sixth game in the championship series, a must win game for us, and as a rookie, I need to be at my very best.

I drop down into a chair, and put on my best smile and for the next couple hours the guys and I chat about the game and life. A few of them leave early as they have their families with them. Since I don’t have anyone waiting for me, I have no reason to rush off.

It’s dark by the time I excuse myself and go to my room to grab my workout gear. Maybe a light workout will help settle my nerves and put me to sleep. I head to the gym and go to the locker room. I tug off my shirt and change into a T-shirt and my workout shorts when my phone pings. I reach for it and nearly swallow my tongue as I read the one word on the screen. One word that sets my heart racing and my legs moving.



I can’t believe how nice everyone is. As an unpublished newbie, it’s intimidating to walk into a room full of professional romance writers. I’d been nervous about attending ever since signing up. Apparently, I had no reason to be. A very established author took one look at me and instantly took me under her wing, introducing me to her friends and even her editor.

I yawn, and Susan, my new friend—I totally did a fan girl moment when we met—nudges me. “You’re not going to bed yet, Ember. I’m getting us another round.”

I try not to appear as tired as I feel. It was a long flight this morning, and I truly don’t want to go to bed. I want to soak in every moment of this and learn all I can learn. It’s true, I didn’t really tell Josh why I was here. My parents think writing is a pipe dream and are guiding me toward teaching. Heck, they don’t even know I’m here. This is what I want to do, though. The longer I sit at this table of talented women, the more convinced I am that I can turn my hobby into a career. I’m sure Josh would also think it’s impractical, much like my parents—who own a multimillion-dollar fishing conglomerate.

“So, who was that hot guy who knocked you into the pool?” Jessica asks, and I instantly flush. Her eyes go wide. “Do you know him?”

I nod, and take a sip of wine. “He used to be a friend of my brother’s. He’s here for the series playoffs. Away team.”

“Is he single?” Anna, sitting to the right of me asks.

“I think so.” I have no idea why the thought of Josh and Anna together gives me a knot in my stomach. Okay, maybe I do. Maybe it’s because I never stopped loving him.

“He was like a hero right out of one of our novels,” Susan says.

“He’s no hero,” I whisper under my breath.

Susan angles her head. “What?”

“It’s just…we had a thing way back when, and he was my brother’s best friend, and now he and my brother don’t speak, and I haven’t seen him in three years. Running into him today was a huge coincidence, and I don’t even believe in coincidences.”

Stop rambling, girl.

Susan picks up her wine glass and shakes her head. “Oh, girl, you still have it bad for him.”

I’m about to deny it, but why bother. “Yup, I do.” I swirl the last drop of wine around in my glass, a new kind of heaviness in my stomach.

“Do you know what room he’s in?” Jessica asks.

“No. Even if I did, I wouldn’t go. It’s over between us.”

“Maybe it doesn’t have to be,” Susan says. “Maybe fate put you both here at the hotel. You two actually seemed like you were pretty close.”

I laugh at that. “Yeah, maybe.” A long-ago memory hits me. “We actually had a safe word.”

All eyes zero in on me and I realize how that sounded. I laugh. “Not that kind of safe word,” I explain. “It was a word I could text him, in case I got into trouble, or in a situation I didn’t want to be in, or at a party I wanted to escape from. Things like that.” I stare at my phone.

“Did you ever use it?” Anna asks.

I nod. “Once back in high school when I was on a date with this guy who was completely obnoxious. I texted Josh the word and he showed up and said there was a family situation and I needed to go with him.”

Anna smiles. “That’s sweet.”

I nod in agreement. “That night we watched chick flicks and ate a bucket of popcorn.” I smile at the memory. God, I miss him so much there’s a constant ache in my soul. Seeing him today, finding myself in his arms, ripped my already shattered heart into a million smaller pieces. As if sensing my pain, Susan puts her hand on mine.

“Message him.”

I give a hard shake of my head. “I can’t do that.”

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