Page 65 of Happily Never After

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His lips curled into an amused smirk. “You’re drunk.”

“You’renot?” I asked, a little too loudly.

“I’m feeling good, but that’s a few stops short of drunk.”

“Paul,” I said, not looking away from Max’s hot, dark eyes as I spoke to the bartender. “Can I please get a shot for this guy? A three wise men, but a double, if you could. He’s got some stops to make.”

“No problem,” I heard, but I couldn’t tear my eyes from Max.

“Why,” he asked, his eyes dipping down to my mouth before coming back up again, “did you pick that particular shot, Soph?”

“Because it’s what you liked the night you ruined my wedding.”

“You mean the night I saved your life,” he corrected, lifting a hand and pushing back the hair that’d fallen out of my messy bun.

“That’s what I said.” I felt something more than buzzed as ourgazes held and my heart stuttered a little in my chest. “The night you saved my life.”

“Here you go,” I heard as Paul set down the shot, but I still couldn’t look away.

“Thanks,” Max said, and his gaze didn’t waver from me as he lifted the double shot and tossed it back.

“Do you have cash?” I asked, leaning a little closer and lowering my voice.

“Yes,” Max replied, his jaw doing that little flex thing that I found sexy as hell. “Why?”

“Because I want to kiss you right now and I don’t want to wait for my card to be processed.”

He stood, pulled a money clip out of those beautiful sweatpants, and dropped some bills on the bar. “Let’s go.”

Before I had a chance to even process his acquiescence, his big hand was wrapped around mine and he was pulling me off my stool and out of the bar.



I knew shewas buzzed, and I didn’t care.

I wasn’t going to do anything more than kiss her—I mean, I wasn’t an asshole—but I’d been dying to taste her mouth since the second we’d stopped kissing on the side of Shirley’s Diner last weekend. If it was a kiss she was requesting, who was I to deny her?

“We can’t go to one of our rooms,” she said as I pulled her through the lobby. “Max. Wait.”

I stopped walking and turned to her. “What?”

She grinned, a sexy, tipsy smile, and I swear to God I felt it in my lungs.

That’s the only explanation for why I stopped breathing entirely for a full second as my eyes memorized the length of her lashes, the slope of her cheekbones, the soft curve of her lips, and the way she looked at me like she wanted to play.

“If we go into a hotel room,” she said quietly, stepping closer so I could hear her but no one else could, “I don’t trust myself not to...”

She trailed off, raising her eyebrows and tilting her head.

“Not to what?” I asked, even though I knew what she meant.

“My intent was obvious and you know it,” she said, her grin growing even bigger. “But... just follow me.”

She grabbed my hand and walked in the opposite direction of the elevator, dragging me behind her down what felt like thenever-fucking-ending first-floor hallway. Which was disappointing, because my plan had been to kiss the hell out of herinsaid elevator, but I was wholly invested in discovering whatever her alternative option was.

When I saw the stairwell, I smiled.
