Page 40 of Game Master

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Resolute, Roseline launched her most advanced cyber infiltration program, unleashing its full brute-force decryption capabilities. She watched tensely as the software interface displayed the program cycling through endless combinations of access codes and passwords, trying every permutation possible to crack through the offshore account’s ironclad security protocols.

For agonizing minutes that felt like hours, the progress bar inched along at a glacial pace. Roseline stared, unblinking, at her monitor, willing the percentages higher, knowing this Hail Mary attempt was likely futile but unable to give up hope. She silently begged whatever forces governed the digital realm for just one narrow opening to slip through.

After what seemed an eternity, the program chimed, and a rush of adrenaline hit Roseline’s system.

“I’m in,” she whispered, almost disbelieving. “I’m in.”

She composed herself by taking a deep breath and shutting him off from his immense reservoir of blood money. The Game Master would be temporarily crippled, unable to bankroll more exploitation and suffering.

As Roseline decisively hit the Enter key to seal the account’s fate, her entire body pulsated with anxious exhilaration at this bold, vigilante-style digital attack she had just committed. While immensely satisfying in the moment, she knew retaliation from the unhinged killer could come swiftly and brutally against her for this act. She had stormed the viper’s nest and now found herself in dangerous waters with no way back.

Right on cue, almost as if the Game Master had been lurking and watching for the very second her encryption breached his realm, an ominous chiming sounded from Roseline’s computer. She shuddered, bracing herself for the impending wrath she had brought down.

The screen flickered, and a dialogue box popped up containing an encrypted message from the Game Master himself, no doubt arrogance dripping from every typed word.

“Well, well, someone’s been a very naughty girl, hasn’t she?” the message taunted. “Meddling in affairs that don’t concern you, matters far beyond your limited comprehension.”

Roseline bristled at his mocking, patronizing words, standing firm in her convictions.

The text continued, “Did you think your petty hacking attempts would go unnoticed in my domain? That you could obstruct my noble crusade without consequence?”

The sheer arrogance of his twisted worldview made Roseline want to retch. This delusional madman truly saw himself as some kind of vigilante hero, murdering criminals as a public service, when in truth, his theatrical slaughters only bred more darkness and pain. She yearned to tell him as much, but getting drawn into his ego-fueled rants would serve no purpose.

The message rambled on, “I’m offering you this one chance to wise up and undo your stupid actions before things get… unpleasant.” Even digitally, his malice and barely suppressed rage oozed through.

“The time approaches when you will witness punishments beyond anything you’ve seen,” the text threatened. “I’d suggest not testing me unless you wish to forfeit your safety and that of those you care for, dear Roseline.”

A cold shiver ran down Roseline’s spine at the direct use of her name. The Game Master had turned his sights on her now. Hands sweating, Roseline nevertheless stood her ground. She would not let this monster intimidate her or control her.

“I won’t bend to your threats,” she typed rapidly in response, refusing to reverse course and undo her actions despite his demands. If she could keep him engaged, perhaps in his rage, he would get sloppy and reveal something useful.

“Oh, is that so?” the Game Master replied mockingly. “You presume to tell me what you will and won’t do?”

Roseline’s fingers flew as she simultaneously tried tracing the origin of his threatening message, hoping against hope that this live communication might provide the opening she needed to pinpoint his location.

But once again, she slammed into a dead end, his replies expertly rerouted through an endless, ever-changing maze of proxy servers abroad that made geographical tracing futile. She cursed under her breath in frustration, so close yet denied victory once more.

“Such fiery determination,” his message chided condescendingly. “How very noble of you, yet utterly pointless. Did you think I wouldn’t take every precaution to safeguard my sanctuary from the likes of you? We play by my rules here.”

Clenching her jaw, Roseline ignored his taunts. She couldn’t let him get in her head. There must have been something valuable in these exchanges, some nugget of data amid his bloviating. She just needed to find the pattern, the anomaly, anything to rip away this monster’s veil of secrecy and bring him to justice at last. Failure was not an option, no matter the personal risk.

Still, some small hope flickered in Roseline’s heart that this major blow to his finances and perceived control might eventually force the Game Master into a rare but irreversible tactical error. Maybe his anger would override his normally meticulous caution, allowing the visibility needed to bring him down. Severing his most vital revenue stream was a start, at least hindering his capabilities, and she prayed that vulnerable lives might be spared while he reeled. She clung to that slim, fragile thought like a raft against the rising tides. It was all she had left.

She waited for more from him, but nothing followed.

Roseline paced her apartment in the soft morning light, torn between pride in taking action against the Game Master and fear of provoking a dangerous serial killer. She had bravely stepped into the darkness, feeling morally right yet worried about the risks to herself and her loved ones. Longing to confide in Callan about her risky move against their adversary, she refrained, unwilling to distract him from his dangerous mission in the criminal underworld. Roseline yearned for his support and calming presence, but chose to bear the burden alone. She hoped he would return to her swiftly and unharmed.

The sudden ring of an incoming call on her phone nearly made Roseline jump out of her skin, so keyed up and on edge from her covert actions against the Game Master. Seeing Callan’s name flash up on the screen flooded her body with overwhelming relief and longing. She swiped to answer, hands trembling, so grateful to hear his voice come through the speaker even though it emerged far wearier than when he had departed earlier that night.

“Roseline?” Callan’s warm tenor came through, tense with fatigue yet comforting as always. “I’m checking in to let you know I’m okay. Nearly done with the witness interviews, so I should be back soon.”

“Thank God,” Roseline breathed, the knot in her stomach loosening. “I’ve been so worried, Callan. Please be careful out there.”

She hesitated, debating whether to confide about freezing the Game Master’s finances, an act that could put them both in greater danger. As much as she yearned to unburden herself, she held her tongue, not wanting to distract Callan from his precarious mission or heap more stress upon his shoulders. There would be time for truth later when they were safely reunited.

Instead, she said, “Just hearing your voice helps more than you know. Come back to me soon, okay?” Her voice cracked with emotion.

Callan exhaled, the warmth in his tone cutting through her chill of fear. “I know. I need you, too, Rosie. Thinking of being with you again is what keeps me going through all this darkness. You’re my light guiding me back home.”
