Page 54 of Olivia

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Just as Olivia closed her own eyes against the terrifying view she heard an unmistakable buzz and whirr.

The drones.

It worked,she thought to herself as grateful tears streamed down her cheeks.

It would be too late for them, but many others would be saved. At least her sacrifice had been worthwhile.



Stark ran down the street, happy to see that his men were everywhere, helping people out of houses, trying to assist with stopping the flames.

At the end of the street, he spotted some kind of commotion where a group of his men had gathered. He ran for it, flying past people hugging each other outside burning homes. But a familiar figure in front of him had him stopping in his tracks before he got far.

“Dr. Oppyx?” he said. “I thought you and Olivia were in the server room.”

“She thought she cracked it,” the doctor said, looking haunted. “She said she found a hole.”

“What are you talking about?” Stark demanded.

“She said every program has a hole,” Dr. Oppyx said, meeting his eyes. “And she found Oberon’s. His primary directive is to protect the center and its patients and staff. So, she ran out into the town, and I ran after her.”

Fury filled his chest instantly at the idea that Oliviawas out here - her small Terran form made vulnerable to the dangers of the fire and the angry mob.

“We ran out here,” Dr. Oppyx went on. “But nothing happened. It should have worked.”

“It just means she’s not in danger,” Stark sighed in relief. “Oberon would be watching. He wouldn’t send the drones after you without a good reason.”

But as soon as the words were out, Oppyx’s eyes went wide. He followed her gaze to find what looked like every drone he’d supplied to the Center, all moving toward them as one.

Stark turned on his heel and sprinted toward the commotion he’d spotted at the end of the street, his heart in his mouth.

Please, Olivia, no…

But he could feel it in his chest before he saw a shred of evidence. She was in trouble. She was terrified.

How can I feel what she feels?

At last, he reached the spot where the group of his men and townsfolk gathered. The house they were looking up at was half-collapsed and engulfed in flames.

Stark’s team leader jogged over to him, his face pallid.

“She’s in there,” Stark said before Bitzer could tell him.

“She pushed two of our guys out of the way to climb up,” Bitzer said, shaking his head. “There was a little girl up there who was afraid of our men. The roof collapsed before we could get them out. I’m so sorry...”

But Stark didn’t hear what the man was sorry about. He was already running for the front door.

“Sir, you can’t…” another of his men tried to tell him.

But Stark merely grabbed a blanket from his hand and doused it in water from the garden hose another man was using in a weak attempt to battle the flames. He threw it on like a cloak, took a deep breath, and pushed inside.

He had to save Olivia.

He didn’t care if she was a thief. He was sure she had her reasons. The truth was that he loved her. And nothing else mattered.

The heat was almost unbearable, but he ran into it, hissing as a beam cracked, sending sparks flying.
