Page 120 of The Nerd & the Ex-Con

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He returned to his seat. “Stop beating around the bush and speak plainly, Scott.”

“I’ve been thinking a lot about our relationship, which led me to see I also was to blame for our breakup, and I want to apologize for that. It was wrong of me to maintain contact with Griff while we were together.”

“So you admit you had a thing for that convict back then?”

I lowered my gaze to my lap, twisting my fingers. “Yeah. That was highly inappropriate of me.”

“You cheated on me.”

“I never slept with anyone else the whole time we were together. Well, save for the times when you made me.”

“When I made you? You wanted everything that was done to you. You wrote it in your letters.”

I straightened. “You know the contents of my letters?”

“I’ve read a few.”

“They were fantasies, David. It didn’t mean I wanted them to happen in real life. If you must know, I said a lot of things in those letters that weren’t true.”

“It doesn’t negate the fact that you were thinking about fucking a prisoner when we were in bed. That’s what happened, wasn’t it?”

Oh god, I was so stupid. What made me think that because my conversation with Jay had changed everything, the same would happen with David?

“You know what you are, Scott?” he said, his voice rising. “You’re an unfaithful slut, and that’s why I beat you. It was all your fault.”

People stopped and stared, whispering. I surged to my feet and grabbed my bags. “I don’t want to argue with you. This was a mistake.”

“That’s right!” David didn’t make any effort to lower his voice. “Let’s see how long that relationship will last. How are you going to leave a professional for an ex-convict who murdered someone?”

I quickened my steps, almost running now, when I saw the sign for a bathroom. I headed straight for it, needing someplace to hide and regain my composure. Snickerdoodles, he could follow me here. Stomach tied up in knots, I waited. When minutes passed and he didn’t show up, I splashed cold water onto my face. Feeling half-human again, I dried my face.

Three teen boys entered and snorted.

“Slut,” one of them said behind a cough. The others burst into laughter.

I grabbed my bags, sprinted out of the bathroom, and didn’t stop running until I was at my car. Thank god where I had parked was empty. I threw my bags onto the back seat and shut the door, but a hand stopped it from closing.

I spun around. A cry ripped from my throat. David stood behind me, a nasty smile on his face I recognized all too well.

“D-D-David, what are you doing here?”

“You said you wanted to apologize. I’m giving you a chance to show me how sorry you are and make up for all the pain and distress you’ve caused me.”

He shoved me hard into the back of the car and came in after me. David fell on top of me, pushing his hand under my T-shirt and groping at my chest.

Everything had happened so fast I lay there in shock until he pinched my nipple hard. “David, stop!”

“Why should I?” He yanked at my shirt, and a loud rip sounded in the cramped space. “You owe me, Scott. You owe me for being a disgraceful slut when we were together.”


“Yes, Scott. I’m going to come inside your ass one more time.”

Images flashed through my mind of my face slamming into a wall, my arm twisted behind my back, and David slapping me in the face and spitting on me. His hand in my pants, grabbing my cock brought me out of my paralysis.

No! Not this time. Not ever again.

I elbowed him. “Get off me!” I shouted. “I swear I’ll scream if you don’t.”
