Page 122 of The Nerd & the Ex-Con

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I nodded. “Just shaken.”

“Someone needs to teach that prick a lesson.”

“Please don’t.” I grabbed Jay’s hand. “Your father can’t find out about this.”

“Why not?”

“He has more control over his anger than in the past, but this is the sort of thing that can send him spiraling again. I won’t allow that to happen.”

“So you’re going to keep this from him?”

“I won’t lose him, Jay. Not to the prison system. He’ll understand if I tell him I’ll spend the night with you. Tomorrow, I’ll be back to normal.”

“Do you really think so? This man has assaulted you multiple times, Scott. He needs to be held accountable.”

“What can I do?” I whispered.

“File a restraining order against him, for one. I’ll even go with you and do it.”

File a restraining order? I’d never considered taking that action, but it could work. I wouldn’t have to fear David attacking me again. By law, he would be required to stay away from me. And Griff never had to find out about this or get involved.

“You’ll go with me?” I asked Jay.

“Yes. I will go with you to the police station. We should go now so they can document your torn clothes and bruises to substantiate the grounds for the restraining order. Then we can make it to the courthouse to do the filing.”

I nodded, feeling a lot better. Jay was right. David should be held accountable. How many more guys would he treat the same because I let him off the hook? Since I couldn’t tell Griff about it, I had to handle the matter myself.

“Okay, I’ll go.”




Scottie was in bed again. He didn’t have a cold or the flu. I’d checked after he came home from Jay’s this morning with his eyes red and slightly puffy. At first, I’d thought he and my son must have stayed up and that was the reason he’d immediately gone to bed, but I’d soon dismissed that.

He’d been in bed the whole day, either sleeping or pretending to be asleep, which I sensed he was now.

Something was wrong. He wasn’t himself since he’d returned home. Had he spent the night with Jay because my son had finally convinced him I was a piece of shit that didn’t deserve him?

“Scottie?” I sat next to him on the bed. He turned onto his side with his back to me. What the hell was going on? I cupped his shoulder and shook him gently. “Please talk to me. What’s wrong? Aren’t you feeling well?”

A few seconds passed, but then he rolled over and placed his head in my lap, but he didn’t open his eyes or answer.

“What’s going on?” I asked, my heart pounding like mad, my hand trembling slightly. If he had a problem, he would tell me, wouldn’t he?

The silence dragged on, filling me with a gnawing sense of dread that clawed at my throat.

Scottie finally shook his head. “Just tired.”

He did look tired, but this lethargy didn’t seem purely physical. Something was troubling him.

“How did everything go with Jay last night?”

His body went stiff, and he clutched the fabric of my shirt near his head.

“Scottie?” I prodded, no longer able to keep the anxiety threading through my voice.
