Page 131 of The Nerd & the Ex-Con

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“I want to have a talk with him.”

“I won’t tell you.”

“You think I won’t find out?”

“Fine, I’ll tell you, but I’m going with you. Scott will never forgive me if I let you do something stupid. Let me change my clothes.”

Jay left me alone in the kitchen, and I paced like a caged animal, clenching and releasing my fists in a steady rhythm. My thoughts were a chaotic mess of rage, guilt, worry, concern, and, most of all, fear. Fear for Scottie.

What if David ignored the restraining order? What if he came after Scottie again? The mere thought made me shudder. The bastard needed to know Scottie wasn’t alone. I had fought in court to appeal my sentence so I could be free, but I would give up my freedom to keep Scottie safe.

Moments later, Jay emerged dressed in jeans and a black jacket over a T-shirt. “Let’s go. I’m not sure if he’s home. He could have left already for the campus where he teaches.”

“Then we’ll go there.”

Jay groaned but followed me to my truck. Jay’s directions were the only thing breaking the tense silence. Soon we pulled into the driveway of a grand-looking house set off the road with expansive gardens.

“This is it,” Jay said grimly. “What are you going to do?”

“What I should have done the first time I ran into that fucker. I’m gonna make him wish he’d never met Scottie.”

I got out of the truck and marched toward the porch. Jay caught up to me and grabbed my shoulder. I shrugged him off, but he only clutched my shirt.


I stopped. His face had gone pale, his eyes wide and pleading. “What did you call me?” I asked softly.

“Dad, I brought you here, but you can’t cause trouble. Scottie’s handling things the right way.”

“And what if that bastard ignores the restraining order?”

“He’s a coward. He’ll back down once he realizes Scottie is serious.”

“And if he doesn’t?”

“Then the law can handle it.” Jay dropped his arms, and I stepped onto the porch. “Dad, think about Scottie. Think about me.”

I swallowed hard, bitterness coating my throat. A war raged inside me, the loudest cry to protect Scottie at all costs. But then there was Jay…

The front door opened, and David stepped out, dressed smartly in a navy blazer and a crisp white shirt with a matching tie. He widened his eyes, then glanced at Jay, who was still standing at the foot of the steps.

“What the hell are you doing—”

I grabbed him by the front of his shirt and jerked him forward.

“I thought you wanted to reconcile,” Jay cried. “I thought you wanted to show me and Scottie that you’ve changed. The asshole deserves it. He really does, but if you hope for any chance of repairing our relationship, you won’t hit him because I will not visit you in prison.”

I tightened my hands on David’s collar. His breath hitched as he tried to squirm out of my grip. “Release me.”

The urge to ram my fist down his throat and pull his spine through his mouth was strong. Impossible but I would sure like to try. My son’s plea echoed in my head, reminding me to be better than what I was. Was this a better version of myself if I couldn’t protect the man I loved from scumbags like this one?

“You hurt Scottie,” I said, trying to restrain my anger. “And everything inside me is telling me to bang your head into the wall behind you until your lifeless body is in my hands and I’m sure you won’t be able to hurt him anymore.”

“You can’t—”

“I’m not done talking to you, you abusive fucker.” I yanked him closer until his peppermint mouthwash wafted my way. “If I were the same person was I was before prison, you wouldn’t still be breathing right now. But I gotta prove to the people I love that I’m a changed man, so I’m going to walk away. This time. But I want you to remember what I’m about to say. Meditate on it day and night lest you think I’ve forgotten. If you come near Scottie again, I’ll disembowel you while you watch. I’m not a nice man, David. Do not let that side of me get out.”

I shoved him away from me, and he stumbled into the wall. “You—you can’t threaten me.”
