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“Oh.” If only I could throw away my brain and order another on special delivery. One that was Griff-resistant. My brain hadn’t been functioning right since he showed up on my doorstep.

I slipped my arms around him cautiously. Griff gripped them, his hands now covered by leather gloves. I missed the skin-to-skin contact. He wrapped them around his middle, the action sliding me forward until I was plastered against his back.

“There we go,” he said. “Hang on tight.”



Scottie held on to me for dear life, his body pressed up against my back, doing crazy things to my insides. Yup, I was definitely attracted to the pint-size guy who still constantly threw me for a loop. That kiss…better not to think about it too much when I had precious cargo riding with me.

I’d always taken him to be a little eccentric. He had gone through his best friend’s mail, contacted me, and kept in touch for seven years. But what I’d found… Every second I was around Scottie, he proved to be more interesting. At first, I might have pegged every little thing he’d said as a lie, but after that kiss, whew! Scottie might not be the timid little mouse he’d come across as the first time we’d met.

He had more layers.

Too bad they weren’t mine to peel back. It was bad enough that I’d kissed my son’s boyfriend. And what was he doing looking at me with such open hunger and kissing me back like that?

Was he not the person I thought him to be? Honest and faithful, loving and deserving of my son.

Their house came into view, and I slowed down and turned into the driveway. I came to a complete stop a few feet away from the steps and lowered the kickstand. Scottie still clung to my back as if he didn’t want to let go.

I savored his closeness for a few seconds. Since I’d been out, I’d tried on three different occasions to fuck a woman and ended up not following through. Why then did I want to put Scottie between me and the handlebars?

Stop it, Griff. He’s not for you.

I pried his fingers loose, but he had trouble getting off the bike by himself. His legs were so short. I helped him down by lifting him up and setting him on his feet. How could one guy be so light? He couldn’t be more than one twenty wet.

“Popsicle!” he grunted.

“What?” He had a bad habit of not making sense, just throwing random words around.

“I said popsicle.”

“You want…a popsicle?”

“No, I mean…never mind.” He took off the helmet and handed it to me. “My legs feel funny.”

“What? You never had them open for that long before?”

Scottie gasped, and his face turned red. He shoved his glasses up his nose and glared at me. “That’s none of your business.”

“Don’t you think it’s a little too late?” I couldn’t resist teasing him. He made it so easy. “I mean, those letters…” I wolf-whistled and waggled my eyebrows.

“You’re horrible for mentioning them.” He fiddled with his glasses. “Those letters…they weren’t me. They were the guy…I was pretending to be.”

So I’d thought too, but something told me that the fake persona he’d created was also a part of him. Probably bred out of some desire he didn’t know how to express. The fact that he denied it so strongly only made me want to prove him wrong.

I took a step back.

He’s not yours.

Even if my son was out of the picture, Scottie couldn’t be mine. I wouldn’t know what to do with a man in my life. In prison, I’d seen enough men fucking to know what went where, and his little sexy ass might look tempting, but then what? This gay stuff wasn’t me at all.

The kiss had come easy, though. There was that.

“Well, you’re home,” I said. “You should go in.”

Before I did something reckless and stupid. Like kissing him again. Why did he keep looking at me that way? Did I need to remind him he had a boyfriend—my son—he seemed not to think too much about cheating on?
