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He gave me a wink. The woman, who got to her feet, had a bored expression on her face, but as she assessed me, she smiled.

“Hi, Doug’s been telling me all about you, but he never mentioned how hot you are.”

I nodded. “Nice to meet you.”

“Grab a beer from the fridge and join us,” Doug said. “We got music playing, and the girls can dance for us.”

The women seemed eager to do exactly what Doug had said. After so many years in prison, I should be excited at what was happening here, but I wasn’t in the slightest. Not a lick of interest lashed through me. Instead, warm blue eyes filtered into my mind.

Would he dance for me if I asked?



If there was a record for the worst date in the Guinness Book of World Records, my night should be in it under that category. And that was without any effort on my part to be included.

I clenched my fingers tightly and squeezed my butt cheeks as my date braked at the end of the driveway. Hard. So hard the car jolted. He’d been driving like a maniac since we left the restaurant, and it couldn’t be the alcohol, unless he’d snuck in a glass or two while I’d been in the bathroom, contemplating how to fit through the window bars to escape.

Even though I was small, I couldn’t, and I’d almost gotten stuck. I should have ended the date early, but each time I’d tried, he’d talked over me and dismissed the many hints I’d given that we didn’t have anything in common. Besides being a human being and having similar needs consistent with our species.

This date had sucked, and it was all Griff’s fault.

If he hadn’t kissed me, I wouldn’t have obsessed over it so much that it worried me. And when a coworker suggested setting me up on a blind date with her gay cousin, I wouldn’t have forced myself to say yes. To forget about Griff. So much for that. I kept comparing Curtis to him, and it was no surprise who I found lacking.

Curtis was well groomed, had a nice smile and a confident posture. He should have been the perfect guy to take my mind off Griff. But Curtis had been an overbearing jackass, overriding my order and asking the waiter to bring me a salad instead of the juicy steak I’d been craving the moment I saw it on the menu. Apparently, he liked my figure, and if we were to continue dating, I would have to maintain it.

Red flags waved in front of my eyes all night. I’d been through one crazy, abusive boyfriend, and that experience was enough to last me a lifetime.

Curtis’s hand landed on my thigh, dangerously close to my cock, which was so dead I could start making funeral arrangements for it. I was pretty sure this guy would never be able to resuscitate it, but I didn’t want to think about who might.

Darn it.

My cock twitched. From the way he squeezed my thigh, Curtis noticed. Probably believed it was because of him.

“I was thinking,” he said. “For our next date, we’ll go out next weekend. You’re free then, right? It doesn’t matter. Whatever you’re doing, drop it.”

I chuckled nervously, released my seat belt, and pushed his hand off my thigh. “I’m not sure yet. I’ll have to check, and something might come up, but this was fun. Drive back safely!”

Without waiting for a response, I quickly got out of his car and shut the door. But when I rounded the hood, he was next to me, wearing that smile I’d thought was nice at first but now just seemed predatory and creepy.

“What kind of date would I be if I didn’t walk you to the door?” he asked.

“Really, you don’t have to.”

“I insist.”

Which I’d feared. As we climbed the steps, he dropped his hand on my lower back, slipping just low enough to graze my ass.

“This is it.” I turned to face him so he would have to move his hand. “Thanks again for tonight, Curtis.”

“Wait, not so fast.” He caught my wrist. “Aren’t you going to invite me in?”

“It’s a bit late and—”

“It’s the weekend, Scott. You had a good time, didn’t you? It doesn’t have to end.”

Fudging fudge sticks. He was one of those guys who needed plain words. “Yeah, you see, Curtis, the thing is that I didn’t have that much of a good time. I really appreciate you paying for the dinner and everything, but I don’t believe we’re a good match.”
