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“I’m talking about you cheating on Jay. Who’s that guy you were with tonight?”

“A date, but—”

“Do you have an open relationship? Is that it?”

“No, we don’t. Just let me—”

“Then what the hell are you doing, Scottie?”

“I’d tell you if you let me finish a freaking sentence!”

The room fell silent. I glared at Griff. Fiddlesticks. He made me shout. I didn’t shout. Jay did all the shouting in this house. I was the quiet one.

“I’m listening,” he said.

I removed my glasses and rubbed them with the hem of my shirt, then set them back on my nose. “I’m not in a relationship with Jay. What on earth gave you that idea? We’re best friends—brothers—except not really brothers because you’re not my father. If you were, then what we did that night would have been…incestuous, but I guess we could be brothers from his mother’s—”

Griff groaned. “Stay on track, Scottie.”

“Like I said, we’re just friends.”

“Are you sure?”

I placed my hands on my hips and raised my chin. “I think I’d know if I’m in a relationship with someone.”

“But the things you said…you always talked about Jay.”

“Of course I did, to give you information about him. That was the purpose of those letters, wasn’t it? I mean, besides the weird parts where I got too comfortable talking to you about certain things.”

“You always went on about how much you love him.”

“And I do! He’s family to me.”

“And you’ve never…”

I shook my head. “Good gravy and biscuits, of course not. We might have fooled around for a hot minute, but that was ages ago when Jay was questioning. He’s not even…my type.”

Jay was too nice. I seemed to have a thing for bad guys who thought nothing of pulling a knife on someone.

“You have a type?”

“Don’t we all?” I frowned, then gasped. “Wait a minute. You kissed me, even though you thought Jay and I were in a relationship?”

Color rushed to Griff’s face. For once, I wasn’t the one looking like a boiling lobster. “I didn’t say I was proud of my actions.”

“What would Jay say if he knew you were kissing the guy you thought was his boyfriend?” I couldn’t help my grin.

“It’s your fault,” he groaned.

“What? How so?”

“You’re nothing like I expected, Scott.”

My smile faded, and I dropped my gaze. “Well, you’re not what I expected either. Definitely not for you to pull a knife on someone. Do you know how reckless and dangerous that was?” I raised my head and nailed him with my glare. “Do you want to go back to prison? I thought you wanted to stay out so you can have a relationship with your son. Pretty sure an ex-convict shouldn’t be carrying a weapon.”

“You mean you’re worried about me?”

“Pfft.” I wiggled past him. “I’m worried about Jay not getting the chance to reconcile with his father.”
