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I could have sworn they were in a relationship based on everything Scottie had said about them. He’d never mentioned Jay seeing anyone, and he never talked about a boyfriend either. I’d assumed he’d meant the two of them were in a relationship.

Seeing him with that guy had annoyed me more than I would have thought possible. Not because I’d thought he was cheating on my son. Jay had been the last thing on my mind when I’d seen the car pull up and the guy walk Scottie to his door. I’d wanted to throw him into his expensive black sedan and set a match to the gas tank.

Of course that would be wrong.

Was that guy really what Scottie went for? Because he’d kissed me, and I was nothing like that guy.

Smooth skin slid along my leg, startling me. Fucking hell. Had I picked up some rando and taken her back with me last night? I lifted my head, and yup, a shape was snuggled under the covers next to me. They were so small their presence hadn’t even left an impression on the mattress.

Who were they? I couldn’t recall being with any woman last night. Surely, I wouldn’t have been able to fuck, what with how drunk I’d been. Would I have? When I was a teenager, probably, but now, more than likely not.

I caught one edge of the sheet and slowly peeled it down to avoid waking the person. The shock of short wheat-colored hair I uncovered had me dropping the sheet as if it were on fire. I scampered back off the bed and almost fell on my ass on the floor.

Shit, I was only wearing a pair of boxers, and my head wasn’t the only place on my body that felt bruised. Purplish spots marked my chest and arm, an indication that something rough had happened last night.

What hellcat had I brought into my bed? Surely not…

I walked around to the other side of the bed and tugged down the sheet.


What the hell was Scottie doing in my bed? Nothing of the little snippets I remembered had Scottie featuring in them. The last time I’d seen him, he’d been in the living room, looking like he might cry when I told him I was leaving.

What the hell had I done?

I hadn’t gotten drunk, then kidnapped him, had I?

I shook my head. He wasn’t restrained. He had to be here of his own free will.

Had we…fucked?

If I’d had sex with a man, surely I would have remembered.

Someone knocked on the door. “Griff, you up?”

Dammit, I couldn’t have Doug see Scottie until I figured out what the hell was going on. I pulled the sheet back over Scottie’s head and strode to the door. I yanked it open.

“Yeah, what’s up?”

Dressed in a pair of basketball shorts and a white sleeveless T-shirt, Doug seemed to be sleeping still. He could hardly keep his eyes open.

“Just checking on you, man. Haven’t seen you since I got in from work.” He glanced over my shoulder and grinned. “And now I can see why. Buried too deep, you’re just now making your way out, you dawg.” He punched my arm and stepped back. “Just keep it down. Going to make breakfast, then sleep for the whole fucking day. Got a gig tonight out of town, so I’ll be gone for a few days.”

“Sure, no prob.” I was a hundred percent sure—okay, maybe ninety-eight point five percent sure—he didn’t have to worry about any noise from this bedroom.

Doug left, and I closed the door and sighed. Rustling from the bed pulled my attention. Scottie was sitting up and rubbing his eyes. How the hell was he an adult? He looked so young and sweet, with his blond hair sticking up all over the place. He yawned and stretched.

“Jay? That you?”

“Guess again.”

His body went rigid midstretch. He widened his eyes and groped on the bedside table. I walked up to the table, took up his glasses, and kept them out of reach.

“I have them,” I said.

“Give them back. I can’t see anything without them.”

“I’ll give you your glasses if you tell me what you’re doing in my bed.”
