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The call rang off. A chirp announced a message on my phone. Griff sent me a voice note.

“Hey, Scottie. Tried calling you. Are you tired of me already? It’s your lucky night, then. You get a break from my demanding ass. This thing came up at work with my boss, and he wants an informal meeting tonight to talk over some things. If we get done early, then maybe you can come over? Let me know.”

A pause followed like he wanted to say something else. Then the voice note ended.

Oh man, this blows.

I’d been looking forward to spending the evening with him. Maybe this was for the best.

“Scott!” Footsteps pounded on the ground. “Thank god! I didn’t know where you went.” Jay came to a stop in front of me, breathing hard. “Are you all right? Will me beating him up make you feel better?”

He was so much like his father, and he didn’t even know it. They would both go to extremes to protect the people they cared about.

“I’m fine.” I picked myself up off the ground and brushed the seat of my pants. “Just embarrassed by my outburst.”

“No, don’t be embarrassed. It was epic. I was proud of you. What would have been the cherry on the cake would’ve been if you’d slapped him into next week.”

Laughing, I walked into Jay’s arms for a hug. He wrapped his arms around me and stroked my back. The tears came again, pouring this time. I didn’t deserve his friendship. Not when I was lying to him.

I had to do the right thing and tell him the truth. After talking to Griff.



“What do you think?” I stepped back with my arms spread and did a slow turn for Scottie, who was watching me get ready for my meeting with my boss. This professional after-hour meeting wasn’t something I was used to. Before I went to prison, people had proper meetings in a closed room. My boss had opted for us to talk about his proposal for me at a bar.

Luckily, I had Scottie to help me decide what to wear. Earlier I’d splurged a little and bought myself a couple of new shirts, a pair of black jeans, and new boots. I’d asked Scottie to choose the shirt he preferred, and he’d picked the navy blue-and-white striped one. I’d tucked in the ends, which showed off my shiny new leather belt.

“Hmm.” Scottie watched me from his phone. He was in his bedroom, pillows propped up behind his back. “Undo the first button.”


“Do it.”

I grinned. “You bossing me around now?”

“You love it.”

He was getting bolder each day, and I loved that about him. He was allowing me to see all of him, quirkiness and all. I slipped the button through the hole.

“And another one.”

Humoring him, I unbuttoned the second, which showed off more chest than was probably appropriate for a meeting with my boss. The man would think I was hitting on him.

“Nope,” Scottie said. “Just leave the top one undone. Some things should remain a mystery to others.”

I laughed. “Jealousy looks good on you.”

“Baloney! I am not jealous.” His face was a deep shade of red, though. “This is the last time I help you pick a shirt.”

Scottie hung up.

“What the—”

I called him back, but he didn’t answer. He sent me a text message instead.

Jay’s back. Talk to you later. Hope your meeting with your boss goes well.
